Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thy Hidden Ones by Jessie Penn-Lewis, 1899

Song of Soloman 7:12 There will I give Thee my love

It is blessed to see this hidden one is growing in the knowledge of her Lord.  There was so much of "me" and "my" in those early days (SOS 2:3-6).
Then it was, "My Beloved is unto me" (1:14).

Now she say, "There will I give Thee my love"; in effect, "Give the love Thou hast implanted in me back to Thee, by pouring it out of those for whom Thou hast died".  "Unto the least of these My brethren...unto Me" (Matthew 25:40), the Master said.  In binding up the broken-hearted with His word of healing, in proclaiming His liberty to the captives, in comforting all that mourn with the comfort of God, her life is love; and love-His love-is satisified!

She has learned to be "at home" in the sanctuary of His Presence everywhere.  "There" in the midst of ceaseless service, He is with her, and "there", in pouring out to thirsty hearts she gives Him to drink.

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