Monday, May 12, 2014

My friends FB status....

We have all suffered. We have all endured disappointments or pain....or we will. It is heart breaking that many Christians do not know how to give those hurts to the Lord and allow Him to heal the hurts. It is a process that I am still learning and it takes a great deal of trust....but He is trustworthy! If we don't give the hurts to Him, we will try to manage those hurts another way......but it won't work.....and, in that, we will continue to suffer and we will continue to hurt others. We don't judge perfectly and we don't know the full story - EVER. I am sorry for the hurts I have caused others out of my own hurts and issues. I am grieved that, as Christians, we try to control our behavior rather than allow Him to live thru us. it is the only way to peace and freedom.....and joy! Trusting Him to complete the work that He began......and He will........

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