Monday, June 23, 2014


I am feeling a deep sadness and sorrow today. This is the 2nd anniversary of my dear friends daughters death. I am very tearful. I am going to see her later and I have got to pull it together.  

I  am so sorry for her. So sad for my friend.  I cannot imagine her heart ache and my heart aches for and with her. 

I have no words. I just ache with her. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

So blessed.  A joy-filled weekend.

Lunch with dear friends, the Gibbon's and Patricia Huckeba on Friday.

Celebrated Father's Day for sweet Nick on Friday night.

The Gunters came over for 'family time' on Saturday evening, for they like family to us!  Thank you, Holly Holly Breitenbach Gunter, for a delicious meal!

This morning Nick and I get to serve, for the first time, with Scott Wolfe at the homeless ministry, Refuge, at First Baptist.

And the grand finale, meeting my Dad and Karen Cleary Johnson's family (and hopefully Tina Vaught) at Norris Dam in Tennessee for a picnic!

Happy Father's Day, Nick Ellison- you are more than I ever imagined!

Happy Father's Day, Harold Cleary, I am blessed to be called your daughter.   I adore you.

Happy Father's Day, Leonard Beasley!  You have been a father to Nick AND me.  Appointed by God, we love you and have been abundantly blessed to call you a father, to us!

To my Father, thank You.  For You.  Without You, I have and am nothing.  With You, I have Life- John 14:6.