Friday, November 10, 2017


Happy Birthday to this super special, awesome lady!
When I look back on my life and realize how deeply wounded I was when my Mom died at 9, and the years of loss and emptiness that followed I thank God.
I thank God for the Mom who is now with Him and I will see one day, but oh Lord, I thank You so much for the Mother You brought into my life at just the right time.
About 14-15 years ago when I was a young mother with a daughter getting ready to be teenager and two young boys- at just the right time, just the right place God sent Connie to me.
Connie, who truly loves Him.
Connie, who truly knows Him.
Connie, who lives in intimacy with Him.
Connie has walked with me as I have grown in intimacy with Jesus. Mother, mentor, prayer warrior, friend, counselor. She has prayed for me and my family. She has cried for me and with me. She has given me rich wisdom. She has laughed with me. We have ate many meals together, shared many hugs. She has looked me in the eye and told me she loved me. She is proud of me.
Connie, gives so generously of herself. There is no part of herself she has not given to me, and my family.
She is a mother. She is a grandmother. She is a great grandmother. To our family.
And let's not forget Beas.
Connie and Beas are mine and Nick's "South Carolina" parents. They both parent us both. They in no way have taken the place of our beloved parents but they have added to our lives in ways we never thought we would have had.
Thank you both for your love. For your generosity. For living Jesus TO us. For loving Jesus and showing us what that looks like inside and out. Thank you both for being an example of a couple that loves one another and Jesus being the Author and Perfecter of that love.
Happy Birthday dear Connie. I love you.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, food and indoor

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