Monday, August 22, 2016


So a few months ago I noticed the Estroblend I get at Walmart, for perimenopause, was on sale.  So I bought 3 boxes.  

Now, I know why.

I thought they were just changing the design of the box.  But they are not.  They took out all the vitamins.  They took out the boron.  They took out the cinnamon, date seed and cranberry.  There is now less Isoflavones.  

They added caffeine.  

I did not realize this until last night.  After I had already bought two months supply.  

No wonder I got a cold sore.  No wonder my right arm has been intensely itching.  No wonder my eyes are blurry.

I spent several hours researching to replace all this.  There is NOTHING out there like this.  

So for the next two months I will use the Estroblend supply I have, and I bought Walmart's Adult Gummy Multivitamin- it does have boron.  I am adding Beta-Carotene.  

When my supply is up I will continue with the Adult Multivitamin, Beta carotene, cinnamon, ginkgo and ginseng.   I will add Century 21st Black Cohosh/Isoflavone (which is the main ingredient in Estroblend). I will MIGHT add cranberry, magnolia bark, green tea and date seed.  

I hate to have to take ALL these just to replace ONE pill a day!  


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