Why aren't God's people more discerning? That's my question. I've sensed many things were "off" but how could the "church" be off?
I really really like this book. But I do not believe many people will accept it. I'm sorry, I just don't. Why? Because then they may have to make some real changes in their life and many people are not willing to change even if its not the Lord's way but man's.
We get comfortable. It would be too much work, too much sacrifice, and just plain, too much change.
So we keep doing the same ole over and over. But hey, it's comfortable.
And honestly- and I am being truly honest- the ones that this would be hardest on is "full-time clergy". It would be a huge, life-altering change. Much security would be gone. Most will read this book and instantly disagree.
I cannot imagine a man leaving a position he was 'called' to, has been in his whole adult life and provides for his family financially- to get a secular job (to provide for his family) and be 'just' a functioning member of the body.
Well, amen.
But I have to say, I long for this. I long for "face-to-face community, every-member functioning, open-participatory meetings, non-hierarchical leadership, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ as the functional leader and head of the group." I long for "the fellowship of the triune God brought to earth and experienced by human beings."
I long for:
"-the building together of sisters and brothers into a close knit, Christ-centered community
-the transformation of character in the lives of the members
-meetings that express and reveal Jesus Christ and in which every member functions and shares
-community life that is vibrant, thriving, authentic, and where the members grow to love one another more and more
-a community of believers who are magnificently obsessed with their Lord and who are neither legalistic nor libertine in their lifestyle"

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