All around me I see a world starving for love- for attention/acceptance- for worth- for security.
The people look within- and they are empty so they cannot find love, attention/acceptance, worth or security on the inside.
The people look out- and there is so MUCH. So much to do, to see, to taste, to smell, to feel, to touch but in the end all the STUFF- is also empty.
So how does one find love, attention, worth and security? REAL love? Real acceptance? Real worth? Real security?
There is nothing the nearness of Christ cannot heal.
Jesus. THE Healer. The ONE that came to set the captive free.

I will go as far to say that most depression, anxiety, emotional problems all stem from lack of trust, belief, resting and abiding in Christ. He is the Healer. He came to heal the broken, to set the captive free. But we don't really believe that He can or will. We don't trust what He has said in Scripture. We want a pill. We don't want God to do the work in us, cause He will bring up some things that need dealt with- confessed possibly, repentance definitely- AND it hurts. The world tells us that everything is GOOD and OK- just do what you want but doing what we want is not always GOOD for us. There will be consequences and fruit. And sometimes it goes on for generations.
Last night, a precious woman came up to me- tears in her eyes- and she said to me, "I'm struggling". And I looked in her eyes and I saw something, I saw that she REALLY REALLY wanted Jesus. I told her, that is the BEST place to be! Because that means Jesus is calling her, speaking into her- "I want a more intimate fellowship with you. Let Me heal you." Key word here? LET. He will not force healing, or intimacy. She must have a willing heart. Friend, it's worth it. Even though He will reveal things about you that you never thought, that you hid, that is ugly, that is scary, that is selfish, prideful, stubborn- that is wounded- what He reveals, He heals.
There is NOTHING the nearness of Christ cannot heal.
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
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