Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 23, 2015

When I got home from work yesterday I cleaned my house- and cooked a BIG meatloaf! All in preparation for today.
This summer has been so busy that we've barely had time to get our thoughts together. It's been almost four weeks since I've had a day that nothing has been planned. Today- I got that day. A day, at home. Oh how I cherish these days! At heart I am a homebody. I long to be at home. So I cherish the days I can be at home.
Today was a wonderful day. One of my dearest friends came over for a run and a swim afterwards- thank you Holly Banke! And then I spent the rest of the day working in my flower gardens and yard- all day long. I couldn't ask for a better day- oh wait...then I just heated the leftovers up! Now that is a good day! I just wish there was more of them! : )
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  • Holly Banke I loved our time together. Need more of those!!!!!
  • Kathy Sims I love being at home. People say, "Don't you get lonesome?" No, I don't. I enjoy and take pride in cleaning my home. I love taking my coffee out on the porch. Just sitting and watching my chickens peck the ground, and the cattle grazing in the field across the road. It's the simple things...
    Like · Reply · 1 · July 24 at 11:28am
  • Carol Mundy Sounds like good times to me, but I will always cherish the time we had together with the youth trip! Once I get home from work, I like to stay home for the most part too! Home is where the heart is!!!??? Love you, friend.
    Like · Reply · 1 · July 24 at 12:36pm

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