Thursday, January 5, 2017

Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Mature

I highly recommend the 60 day devotional, A Grandmother's Prayer by Kay Swatkowski. Even if you aren't a grandparent this devotional is great for anyone- for your children or if you have children in your life somehow.
Today's devotional is about emotionally healthy children.
"Every child most wants the love of his family."
"Feeling parental (and grandparental) love and acceptance is critical to every child's emotional and spiritual development. Kids flourish in the unconditional love of the entire family."
"Being secure in their attachment to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa enables children to cope with the frustrations and disappointments of life. Unconditional love establishes an unshakable, safe platform from which they may take flights and enjoy the adventures of life. Most important, children who experience the unwavering affection and acceptance of family can easily move forward in a trusting and loving relationship with God."
"Peter Scazzero was in the throes of midlife and experiencing wrenching relational and emotional pain before he grasped a vital truth, a life-changing conclusion:
"Emotional health and spiritual maturity are inseparable." It is true. Children (and adults) who are struggling emotionally may love the Lord, and want to serve Him, but they are shaky ground spiritually as they try to comprehend the concept of God's unconditional love." (A true concept of Who God is and who we are because of Him.)
"Wouldn't it be better to establish the foundation for emotional and spiritual health early in life? Someone once said, "It is easier to build up a child with our words than it is to repair an adult.""
"For children and adolescents, emotional health and spiritual maturity are rooted in unconditional love and acceptance of parents and grandparents. All children struggle emotionally as they move through various developmental stages. But we can help by showing unconditional love."
"Pastor Andy Stanley says that when children are deprived of unconditional love they become exasperated (Ephesians 6:4). I have seen this exasperation. Sometimes it looks like anger. Some times it looks like rebellion. Frequently, it looks like depression or underachievement. Some go to extreme measures to cope with grief and loss."
Unconditional love is what our children and grandchildren want and need most.
And friends, it doesn't matter how old our children or grandchildren are. My children are in their 20's and they need to know I love them and accept them. I respect them and they respect me. Kids of any age are deeply hurt when a parent belittles (exasperates) them. The more you wound with your words and actions- the more that person wants to avoid and flee.
I am so thankful God brought me to a great place of emotional health- almost 9 years ago. I choose today to walk in victory, in joy, in peace, in love, in life- and my husband and children have greatly benefited from an emotionally healthy and spiritually mature mother.
Grace upon grace...and it flows from Him to me, through me to Nick, Allison, Ben, Cody, Johnie and Roman...and one day to the young women my boys marry...and more and more grandchildren. It's all grace.

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