Monday, August 17, 2015

Praying for my daughter, Allison- first day of school- teaching 3rd grade.

Praying for you today, Al! First day of school! Looking forward to your phone call later today!
1 John 3:18
Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. (NASB)
My children, let us not love merely in theory or in words—let us love in sincerity and in practice! (Phillips)
Anyone can speak loving words but it takes someone special to love with deeds and truth. You are that someone special to all the children you teach this year. I greatly admire the balance you have to love them with words of affirmation and encouragement but also- in sincerity and practice- not just saying your love them but loving them through your actions. I love you and I am so proud of you!

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