Saturday, February 16, 2013


I am posting a picture if my journal. It's a rainy and cold day today and as I was praying in my journal- I began to look back to precious times sharing with Jesus.

I was reminded that it is Jesus, the Good Shepherd that carries me- and Nick- and our children. Isaiah 40:11. He gathers us and carries us.

Our family is beginning two new journeys very soon. Nick, 44 tomorrow, will begin a new job- a job he has been waiting and trusting God for- for a long time. One day I will write about Nick and his life journey, especially the last 4.5 years.

And our dear Ben- our beloved son-in-love will begin a new job!

I will give more details at another time but I am so thankful to God for this journey that we are all on- as He leads and carries us.

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