Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A New Vlog and a New Blog

As much as I have loved this blog I am going to change to a different one. 

Frankly, the main reason is because I was trying to fix someone an email so they could have a facebook.  Unbeknownst to me at the time- I changed blog ownership to their email.  I have no idea how I did it and there is NO WAY to change it back.  I kept their email and made them a new one but- now my blog is under an email that has their name in it.  I don't like that.

Recently I started a Vlog- and decided to start a new blog to go with the Vlog.  All of this is free.  I would love it if I had time to really get a good vlog and blog going but- so I haven't done that.  

So here is the link to our new Vlog:

So here is the link to our new Blog:
A Quiet Life

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