a parent you often think- have I done this right? Have Nick and I been
"good enough" parents? Through the last few years I've learned that
the most important thing we can "do" as parents is not just teach them
ABOUT God but for them to know that He is our life, the center of us and
our home. We aren't perfect as our kids will surely tell you- but you
don't have to be perfect to have a deep abiding love relationship with
Jesus and with each other (thank You for grace, Lord!).
Not just saying that Jesus is our Everything but truly living from Him
that lives within us (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23)
The most important thing is for our kids to know is that most important
thing is that God is their Father, just like He is ours - and they can
trust Him, they can find their life in Him, He can be their life. He IS
the Center and Purpose. They can enjoy intimacy with Him, talk with
Him and more importantly, listen to Him.
It's like a runner handing over a baton to the next runner- that's what this parenting is about- we are handing over the baton to our kids to find their life in Him and not us. It's handing over our kids (baton) to Jesus- letting them go so they CAN find Him as their Everything and we aren't taking His place.
It's like a runner handing over a baton to the next runner- that's what this parenting is about- we are handing over the baton to our kids to find their life in Him and not us. It's handing over our kids (baton) to Jesus- letting them go so they CAN find Him as their Everything and we aren't taking His place.

Johnie Ellison
weekend I went to Greensboro with a few church members to help a church
run a block party. It was a good weekend and the block party went well,
but before the block party one of the
pastors said something that I thought was really good. We were talking
about God telling his church to go out into all of the world and he
asked "what does this verse tell us?" Another church member responded,
"it tells us that if we do what God commands, he will be there with us."
The pastor stopped and said, "I believe that even if we fail to do what
God commands, He will still be with us and He'll still love us." That's
a very good summary of how I believe God interacts with his children.
Even when we fail, sin, and fall completely short...He still loves us,
cares for us, provides for us, and promises to walk with us through the
messiness of our own life.
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