It's when kitchen appliances make you happy.
Now, we all know that being "happy" is based on- well the "happenings" around you. That's true.
Anyway, our refrigerator is 18/19 years old and has been going out for some time. The icemaker hasn't worked in years. That's not too much of a problem except when people come over and want a cold drink. The water hasn't worked in years either. We bought a Brita pitcher and use that so to that wasn't a big problem. We only drink water and the guys drink milk (and Johnie and I drink coffee of the morning)- occasionally I will fix some koolaid, occasionally Nick or Johnie will buy a soda. So- none of it's really a big deal. The freezer was getting to where it would not fully freeze- we have a chest freezer so we just keep the main frozen food in it.
But last Sunday, Easter, we came home from church and there was something all over the floor. The freezer had completely went out. We knew it would happen sooner or later. Nick can only fix it so much.
So it was time to buy a new refrigerator. We went at it the "search" just like we did for our Escape last fall. First, how much money do we have to spend? Second, what do we like?
After many hours of looking- and thinking we decided on a Kenmore bottom drawer freezer with a single door refrigerator on top. I LOVE IT!!!! Size wise it is a bit smaller on the outside than the old one but the inside so far is very much better laid out so can be organized better. The main thing for me was the door had to be able to open with my left hand so I can reach in with my right hand and put things on the counter. Yes, I know....that's probably pretty specific but....I like things like that. I wanted something that I didn't have to bend down a lot to get into- that's why having the refrigerator on top is so great. I also didn't want anything that showed finger prints. I really love this refrigerator.
We bought it on my birthday in Greenville at the Sears Outlet (scratch and dent) for a total of $909!
Another thing I wanted was an upright freezer. We have a chest type that we keep in a big closet/pantry in our kitchen. But it is so annoying to have to bend way down in and get stuff out- after you've rummaged all through it.
So I got on Craigslist and low and behold! One in Spartanburg for $100! Nick called the fella- arranged to pick it up Sunday evening. It is an older model but runs great and is energy efficient. They sold it for an uncle was going into assisted living. And he was so very nice! I may eventually paint the freezer black to match the rest of my appliances but that's down down on my list a bit. : )
So for $1009 we got both that we wanted. And our savings is going...down down down...but like Nick said- this is what we have it for!
Thank You, Lord for providing for us...and helping us be good stewards.
But last Sunday, Easter, we came home from church and there was something all over the floor. The freezer had completely went out. We knew it would happen sooner or later. Nick can only fix it so much.
So it was time to buy a new refrigerator. We went at it the "search" just like we did for our Escape last fall. First, how much money do we have to spend? Second, what do we like?
After many hours of looking- and thinking we decided on a Kenmore bottom drawer freezer with a single door refrigerator on top. I LOVE IT!!!! Size wise it is a bit smaller on the outside than the old one but the inside so far is very much better laid out so can be organized better. The main thing for me was the door had to be able to open with my left hand so I can reach in with my right hand and put things on the counter. Yes, I know....that's probably pretty specific but....I like things like that. I wanted something that I didn't have to bend down a lot to get into- that's why having the refrigerator on top is so great. I also didn't want anything that showed finger prints. I really love this refrigerator.
We bought it on my birthday in Greenville at the Sears Outlet (scratch and dent) for a total of $909!
Another thing I wanted was an upright freezer. We have a chest type that we keep in a big closet/pantry in our kitchen. But it is so annoying to have to bend way down in and get stuff out- after you've rummaged all through it.
So I got on Craigslist and low and behold! One in Spartanburg for $100! Nick called the fella- arranged to pick it up Sunday evening. It is an older model but runs great and is energy efficient. They sold it for an uncle was going into assisted living. And he was so very nice! I may eventually paint the freezer black to match the rest of my appliances but that's down down on my list a bit. : )
So for $1009 we got both that we wanted. And our savings is going...down down down...but like Nick said- this is what we have it for!
Thank You, Lord for providing for us...and helping us be good stewards.

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