A brother in Christ told me of his experience ten years ago when he woke up after a stroke to find himself paralyzed on one side. He described his frustration, anger, and bewilderment at his condition. Next, he related the end results of his stroke: a deeper love of God, a keener awareness of His grace and power, and a renewed life of worship. He concluded by exclaiming, “I wish everyone could know the Lord this way!” I observed his countenance and thought how if I could guarantee everyone who attended a weekend seminar what this man had, I could charge a $10,000 registration fee and pack the place. However, if I had to announce that the registration fee to bring people back to the center was not $10,000, but a stroke, I am quite sure that registration would drop off drastically.
The registration fee back to the center is different in tone and severity for every person, but might include something like the loss of a loved one, dealing with a rebellious child, exhaustion from raising small children, illness, job insecurities, or myriad other circumstances that make us realize we need God alone in His rightful place back in the hub. In Him alone we find our rest, and no emphasis, doctrine, or experience we previously looked to for producing abundant life can tempt us back to trust it. When others beckon us out by a new Jesus-plus emphasis, we think, Enjoy your detour; I am not leaving the center. We learn that nothing is bad that follows Him or arises from our relationship with Him, but anything that goes ahead of Him, purportedly supporting Him, is to be avoided and feared. We become voices for the center. I often ask myself the question, “Michael, what do your friends know you for? What emphasis stands out?” It prompts good reflection, for I want to be known for promoting life in Christ with nothing that must be passed through before getting to Him.
--Mike Wells, My Weakness For His Strength
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