Sunday, October 18, 2015

Death to death

Johnie Ellison

I was sitting at a funeral today with a blank look on my face because I'm not really a fan of being emotional (who is?). I was sitting there thinking about a song by a rapper named Andy Mineo. He says something along the lines of "One day there won't be any funerals, where we wear all black, and death will be dead and then we'll lock the casket." Death sucks. Funerals are sad. It reminds us that we are "just a vapor that appears for a little while." This week alone, there have been at least 6 young adults/teenagers die in Spartanburg. It's sad. It's confusing. It's frustrating to hear the causes of these deaths and how they all could have been prevented. One of the pastors read a verse today that is my favorite verse in the Bible and that I think everyone needs to hear frequently. Romans 8:38-39 says that there is absolutely nothing, not even death, that can separate us from the Love of God (towards us) which can be found in Jesus. It's sad to hear about someone dying, especially people who were so young. But it's very comforting to know that we have a God who continues to love us, has power over death, and who will one day "lock the casket" on death itself.

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