A child of God- beloved, holy, righteous, blameless, healed, forgiven, brand new, sheep, salt, light, a branch, temple of God, reconciled, a saint, God's workmanship, hidden with Christ in God, an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life, a partaker, a living stone- crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives IN ME!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
I am not sure of anything in this world.
But I am sure of the Truth/Reality of what is past this world- this life.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Me your broken dreams. Release them into My care and keeping. I will
not only heal the brokenness, I will give you a new dream—one that is in
harmony with My plans for you. As you
seek to actualize this fresh dream, you will find yourself becoming more
content and increasingly aware of My beautiful Presence." -Dear Jesus
by Sarah Young, p. 68
has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted…and provide for those who
grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the
oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of
a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a
planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor." -Isaiah 61:1–3
#dreams #healing #praise #DearJesus
#dreams #healing #praise #DearJesus
You and Amy Barlow like this.
Monday, October 26, 2015
A great morning for running!
I love Autumn weather- 60 degrees and cloudy gives me my best 5k time in over a year (regular daily running not a race).
Run when you don't feel like it (battling perimenopause fatigue and sciatic pain). Run even if its hot (hottest summer in a long time). Run even if its cold (layers and layers of clothes).
Just lace those shoes up and run. For your physical health AND your emotional health.
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Run when you don't feel like it (battling perimenopause fatigue and sciatic pain). Run even if its hot (hottest summer in a long time). Run even if its cold (layers and layers of clothes).
Just lace those shoes up and run. For your physical health AND your emotional health.

A beautiful weekend!
I got up this morning feeling- lighter.
Like a weight has been on my shoulders. In a way, it has. Saturday we had our Grace Life Conference which I think went very well! Since August this has been on the calendar. And in my mind. The last week or so is when I really had to put my mind and body to it!
Then yesterday we had the refugee family over for lunch after church. We picked them up for church, then took them to the groceries after lunch and before we took them home.
I'm tired. A good tired. But tired.
Some of the household repairs/organization have been taken care of- we have to close the pool, finish getting the tree up Nick cut down, rake/ grass seed /hay the yard- and INSULATE the house! Get gas for the gas logs tank.
Cody's homeschooling cross country team has a race in Dayton, Tennessee on November 14. I think we are going to drive up with Cody (leaving at 2am!)- and maybe Dad and Karen can meet us half way after the race for lunch for Cody's 23rd birthday (the 13th).
Tonight Patricia and I are going to hear Will teach on Intimacy with Christ. : ) Yesterday Joe preached on Finishing Strong, Finishing Like You Started (trusting as a child). I LOVE how he teaches! Connie said, "It went right along with the Grace Life Conference!"- Amen!
It's certainly been a weekend on the Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ!
So Sebastian and I are going for a run this morning- it's going to be a good morning for a run, that's for sure.
Like a weight has been on my shoulders. In a way, it has. Saturday we had our Grace Life Conference which I think went very well! Since August this has been on the calendar. And in my mind. The last week or so is when I really had to put my mind and body to it!
Then yesterday we had the refugee family over for lunch after church. We picked them up for church, then took them to the groceries after lunch and before we took them home.
I'm tired. A good tired. But tired.
Some of the household repairs/organization have been taken care of- we have to close the pool, finish getting the tree up Nick cut down, rake/ grass seed /hay the yard- and INSULATE the house! Get gas for the gas logs tank.
Cody's homeschooling cross country team has a race in Dayton, Tennessee on November 14. I think we are going to drive up with Cody (leaving at 2am!)- and maybe Dad and Karen can meet us half way after the race for lunch for Cody's 23rd birthday (the 13th).
Tonight Patricia and I are going to hear Will teach on Intimacy with Christ. : ) Yesterday Joe preached on Finishing Strong, Finishing Like You Started (trusting as a child). I LOVE how he teaches! Connie said, "It went right along with the Grace Life Conference!"- Amen!
It's certainly been a weekend on the Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ!
So Sebastian and I are going for a run this morning- it's going to be a good morning for a run, that's for sure.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
A day to make memories....
In some ways this week has been so deeply sad.
Some of my friends and family have went through deep trials and pain.
A time to weep and mourn.
In some ways this week has brought news shared by friends and family that truly was a miracle. Rejoicing. A time to laugh and a time to dance.
This I know, today will be a day in my memory of a wonderful day. The first time I co-taught a Grace Life Conference. And yet..and yet..and a time to be silent, a time to laugh, a time to dance. : )
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
2 A time to give birth and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
5 A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
6 A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace.
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
5 A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
6 A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Just Jesus

A brother in Christ told me of his experience ten years ago when he woke up after a stroke to find himself paralyzed on one side. He described his frustration, anger, and bewilderment at his condition. Next, he related the end results of his stroke: a deeper love of God, a keener awareness of His grace and power, and a renewed life of worship. He concluded by exclaiming, “I wish everyone could know the Lord this way!” I observed his countenance and thought how if I could guarantee everyone who attended a weekend seminar what this man had, I could charge a $10,000 registration fee and pack the place. However, if I had to announce that the registration fee to bring people back to the center was not $10,000, but a stroke, I am quite sure that registration would drop off drastically.
The registration fee back to the center is different in tone and severity for every person, but might include something like the loss of a loved one, dealing with a rebellious child, exhaustion from raising small children, illness, job insecurities, or myriad other circumstances that make us realize we need God alone in His rightful place back in the hub. In Him alone we find our rest, and no emphasis, doctrine, or experience we previously looked to for producing abundant life can tempt us back to trust it. When others beckon us out by a new Jesus-plus emphasis, we think, Enjoy your detour; I am not leaving the center. We learn that nothing is bad that follows Him or arises from our relationship with Him, but anything that goes ahead of Him, purportedly supporting Him, is to be avoided and feared. We become voices for the center. I often ask myself the question, “Michael, what do your friends know you for? What emphasis stands out?” It prompts good reflection, for I want to be known for promoting life in Christ with nothing that must be passed through before getting to Him.
--Mike Wells, My Weakness For His Strength
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The cross Cody made....
Cody made this cross to put by the tree where his friends died in a tragic car accident on October 11th.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Death to death
Johnie Ellison
I was sitting at a funeral today with a blank look on my face because I'm not really a fan of being emotional (who is?). I was sitting there thinking about a song by a rapper named Andy Mineo. He says something along the lines of "One day there won't be any funerals, where we wear all black, and death will be dead and then we'll lock the casket." Death sucks. Funerals are sad. It reminds us that we are "just a vapor that appears for a little while." This week alone, there have been at least 6 young adults/teenagers die in Spartanburg. It's sad. It's confusing. It's frustrating to hear the causes of these deaths and how they all could have been prevented. One of the pastors read a verse today that is my favorite verse in the Bible and that I think everyone needs to hear frequently. Romans 8:38-39 says that there is absolutely nothing, not even death, that can separate us from the Love of God (towards us) which can be found in Jesus. It's sad to hear about someone dying, especially people who were so young. But it's very comforting to know that we have a God who continues to love us, has power over death, and who will one day "lock the casket" on death itself.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Cleaning/Reorganizing Attic and Storage Building
Starting helping Ben with SCBest: Spartanburg County Bible Education in School Time
It's only on Fridays in October- and less than an hour but...
It's only on Fridays in October- and less than an hour but...
Blessed to be apart of SCBest! Ben did a great job teaching yesterday!
(Spartanburg County Bible Education in School Time)
(Spartanburg County Bible Education in School Time)
Mothers and Daughters
Are you struggling with your relationship with your mother? What about with your daughter? Maybe you're like me- you want to be the best mother you can be but you struggle?
Just got this for Allison and me- we always want our relationship to be the best it can be.
Sounds like Mike Wells......
has written Himself into us, into the very constitution of our beings.
He has written into us the way we are designed to live. This makes sin
very unnatural and not native to us. This is the deception ~ the enemy
over and over again trying to convince us as humans that something or
someone other than God could somehow satisfy us. But our Father has
cornered the market on human fulfillment. Man is too greatly designed
to be satisfied by anything but His Spirit. #LivingWIthPurpose
Friday, October 16, 2015
Lovely days....
My day so far...
Sebe and I ran 3.5 miles in this beautiful fall weather!
I'm in the process of painting the patio...AGAIN. I like the green but I thought it would be darker. If I can keep the dogs off...I'm doing good! Going to paint the front porch the same color.
Got our guide to SC State Parks in the mail! If I have all 47 parks stamped I get a free shirt! LOL
And the BEST of all! Cody's graduation date! December 15, 2015! COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sebe and I ran 3.5 miles in this beautiful fall weather!
I'm in the process of painting the patio...AGAIN. I like the green but I thought it would be darker. If I can keep the dogs off...I'm doing good! Going to paint the front porch the same color.
Got our guide to SC State Parks in the mail! If I have all 47 parks stamped I get a free shirt! LOL
And the BEST of all! Cody's graduation date! December 15, 2015! COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Hebrews 12:1-3
Sometimes we can be overwhelmed by what may be happening around us.
Sometimes we can allow fear and doubt to swallow us.
When that occurs- simply take to the time to talk to Jesus. Quietly wherever and whenever you are, believer, speak to the One that lives within you. The One who tells us to "lay aside every encumbrance...and fix your eyes on Me....so you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Take the time to listen to Him. Allow Him to be Himself to you...to comfort you...speak truth into you...strengthen you. Only Jesus can. And He wants to.
Sometimes we can allow fear and doubt to swallow us.
When that occurs- simply take to the time to talk to Jesus. Quietly wherever and whenever you are, believer, speak to the One that lives within you. The One who tells us to "lay aside every encumbrance...and fix your eyes on Me....so you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Take the time to listen to Him. Allow Him to be Himself to you...to comfort you...speak truth into you...strengthen you. Only Jesus can. And He wants to.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The Word speaking Himself to me....
The last two days have been extremely busy. We got back from our trip to Destin, Florida on the 9th and left early on the 10th for two days in Troutdale, Virginia.
We got home about 7pm Sunday night...and oh my...when you come in from such a trip you have all the STUFF to put up and laundry. Not to mention the house that needs cleaned after a week and a half. Johnie kept the kitchen, dining room and living room straightened up but...just decluttering and cleaning my bedroom was a chore.
So I worked Monday and Monday night. I worked Tuesday and Tuesday night. I also got a haircut, ran errands, ran, biked, cleaned my bedroom (sheets, blanket, dust ruffle) mopped, vacuumed, laundry and went to the groceries.
This has been a great morning for catching up. No work today. No White Pines tonight (Laurie has a new grand baby today!). So today I just finished running 5 miles with my sweet dog, Sebastian- I am going to work on the Grace Life Conference and cook a good dinner! Oh my the food we had the last 10 days....poor Nick's stomach issue reared it's ugly head in Troutdale. I felt so bad for him. It had been a long time since he had had a problem. Thank God we had his medicine with us!
I came home to drink a bottle of spring water I collected from a drain on White Top Mountain, Va. It is so clean and refreshing...and my only bottle. : (
I really am glad I went running. It's a beautiful day. 50 degrees and sunny. Jesus and I had a good talk. He spoke to me. I needed Him to speak to me. I was feeling a little distant. I guess it's because of all the traveling and time NOT alone. I need time alone with Him and the running is one way He brings me to that sacred, quiet place.
Time alone with Jesus. Faith. Weakness. Obedience. Nourishment. Growth. Healing. Nearness. Know. Are just a few words He spoke to me about as we talked. And that my friends is- prayer. Intimacy. Fellowship. Oneness.
But He is talking these words and turning them into more words and I am very excited about that. The Word speaking Himself to me. More about that later.....
We got home about 7pm Sunday night...and oh my...when you come in from such a trip you have all the STUFF to put up and laundry. Not to mention the house that needs cleaned after a week and a half. Johnie kept the kitchen, dining room and living room straightened up but...just decluttering and cleaning my bedroom was a chore.
So I worked Monday and Monday night. I worked Tuesday and Tuesday night. I also got a haircut, ran errands, ran, biked, cleaned my bedroom (sheets, blanket, dust ruffle) mopped, vacuumed, laundry and went to the groceries.
This has been a great morning for catching up. No work today. No White Pines tonight (Laurie has a new grand baby today!). So today I just finished running 5 miles with my sweet dog, Sebastian- I am going to work on the Grace Life Conference and cook a good dinner! Oh my the food we had the last 10 days....poor Nick's stomach issue reared it's ugly head in Troutdale. I felt so bad for him. It had been a long time since he had had a problem. Thank God we had his medicine with us!
I came home to drink a bottle of spring water I collected from a drain on White Top Mountain, Va. It is so clean and refreshing...and my only bottle. : (
I really am glad I went running. It's a beautiful day. 50 degrees and sunny. Jesus and I had a good talk. He spoke to me. I needed Him to speak to me. I was feeling a little distant. I guess it's because of all the traveling and time NOT alone. I need time alone with Him and the running is one way He brings me to that sacred, quiet place.
Time alone with Jesus. Faith. Weakness. Obedience. Nourishment. Growth. Healing. Nearness. Know. Are just a few words He spoke to me about as we talked. And that my friends is- prayer. Intimacy. Fellowship. Oneness.
But He is talking these words and turning them into more words and I am very excited about that. The Word speaking Himself to me. More about that later.....
Some find this very hard to receive-
God's Word says you are righteous, holy, blessed, forgiven, and accepted as His beloved. Rest in it. Thank Him for it. Don't work for it. For the moment you set out to "get" those things you just told your self you're not those things.
October 24, 2015 Grace Life Conference
How is the Christian life working for you?
Many would say it is not. "I am struggling." Did you know that most believers have never been discipled? It seems that salvation meant come to church and get to work serving God. That's what we are supposed to do, right?
God wants us to stop trying to be "good" Christians. He never intended for us to live on our own, doing the best we can for Him in order to cope with life. The Gospel for Christians is Jesus Christ living His life IN and THROUGH US BY FAITH rather than us trying to live by our best efforts.
Many try hard to live the Christian life and wonder why it is not working.
Are you one of these many?
I was...for a long time.
Then the whole gospel was presented to me. The abiding life. The abundant life. The life of victory. Life. Jesus.
I was an unbeliever for the first 30 years of my life. Then I met Jesus. Then I spent the next 8 years trying to be the best Christian I could be- and yet I still struggled greatly inwardly. And you can't struggle inwardly without it coming OUT, in one way or another- eventually.
My life has changed greatly since the whole gospel was presented to me.
The truths presented at the Grace Life Conference were the truths that Jesus spoke to me- that brought much healing, victory and life!
You are invited!
October 8, 2015
Nick Ellison added 2 new photos — with Debbie Yates and Starla Ellison.
Heading back to SC this morning. Blessed to spend time with family this week!- Andrea Ellison Clements James Ellison
My great grandfather, William Cleary.
We stopped at Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area and inside was lots of info about the area. One item of interest was binder entitled, The History of Troutdale. This was compiled by the Girl Scouts. In it was a picture of William Cleary, father of John Malachi Cleary. This picture had to be taken before 1913. His name was not on the photo so we left information with the picture. He is the first man on the left.
What a week!
Nick Ellison added 2 new photos — with Starla Ellison.
7 states in 8 days- South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Beaches and Peaks.
Monday, October 12, 2015
4 students killed in car accident at USC Upstate
Allison graduated from Upstate.
Cody and Johnie both attend Upstate. Cody knew these kids. My heart aches for Cody...for their families...I cannot imagine.
Father....only Your comfort can comfort the mourning. Use this tragedy to draw Cody and the parents and siblings to know You intimately.
Life is important. Life is only in Jesus. Life is wasted if not found in Jesus.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
A year of adventures!
This year started out with a cruise to the Bahamas- Freeport and Nassau
In July I went on a youth trip to Albany, NY.
In October to Destin, Florida then onto Troutdale, Va.
It's been a fun year!
South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and Florida.
14 states this year! What fun!
In July I went on a youth trip to Albany, NY.
In October to Destin, Florida then onto Troutdale, Va.
It's been a fun year!
South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama and Florida.
14 states this year! What fun!
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Running on the beach....
Running on this particular beach- you gotta be part mountain goat. Lots of pressure on my right ankle.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
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