Do you know what the difference is between Catholics, Mormons, Islamics, Buddish, Hindu's (all these= paganism)- and real, true, authentic Christianity is?
If you read what they believe, they believe in their religions as much as I believe in Jesus and ALL of His finished work. They will never persuade me to believe in their religion and I probably won't persuade them.
But what IS the difference? Why is my belief system greater than theirs or theirs mine? Doesn't there have to be truth somewhere? Do we all co-exist? Is there really more than one way to heaven?
Frank Viola says in Pagan Christianity that all religions have a Temple, a priesthood and a sacrifice. Judiasm did. And SO do all other religions.
"When Christianity was born, it was the only religion on the planet that had no sacred objects, no sacred persons and no sacred spaces. We know that Jesus is the temple who embodies a new and living house made of living stone-"without hands." He is the priest who has established a new priesthood. And He is the perfect and finished sacrifice." -Frank Viola, Pagan Christianity
And this is the biggy....
All other religions are outward trying to change the inside. Because of Christ, He gives us a new inner man where He abides within us and we don't live from the outside in, but from the inside out.
We are the ONLY true faith.
Ours is inner, not an outer. And NO other does that. Some try to line up the inside to make the outside do right but there is no way that can be done if the inner (man) has not been completely put to death and he/she has a new inner man where Christ Himself dwells.
NONE of them had their god die FOR them so that he could give them a new life.
If you want truth, then take a true look at real Christ. Not satan's deception of "christianity".
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