Saturday, April 19, 2014

A good run today!

Next week is the Y2Y Half Marathon. I'm pretty excited about it.  Its an inaugural race.  I like doing races that is a first so I can do it each year.  I have the Camp Croft Half.  This year will the 5th for CC.

This Y2Y will be my 7th half marathon race.  I hope to do the Irecycle and CC this fall.  This will be my last race- distance, anyway, until fall.  I hope to do some 5k and 10k through until then.

The first half of this run was good.  I ran the 6.2, 10k, in 54:40.  The 6.55 which is half of the half in 57 minutes.  After mile 8, the wind was hard and raining more- and I was getting a little tired since 9 miles is the most I've ran (only once) since the marathon.  So my pace was around 9 minute mile + after mile 8.  My right leg, sciatic, hurt most of the run : (  but it wasn't unbearable.  Overall I'm happy with it.  It felt good to push myself more.  It felt good to use my brain calculating time and distance.  It felt good to get "wore out"

But I feel good now.  No pain and no soreness.

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