A child of God- beloved, holy, righteous, blameless, healed, forgiven, brand new, sheep, salt, light, a branch, temple of God, reconciled, a saint, God's workmanship, hidden with Christ in God, an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life, a partaker, a living stone- crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ lives IN ME!
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
"It is hard for self-centered creatures to realize that there are some souls that are really and truly passionately in love with God. But this should not be so hard to understand; he who loves the light and heat of the candle should surely love the sunlight even more." From Peace of Soul
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Day 2
Yesterday went pretty well with the "detox". Although after reading several articles I probably should call it a "reset". Either way...no meat, no bread, no sugar.
I did supplement though. I am still drinking my morning coffee. I use fat-free half and half and stevia so I didn't think that is a big deal. I had two hard boiled eggs, and a dark chocolate/almond sweet and salty bar. It's the not chewing food! It's weird! I do feel good though. And I have lost 1.5 lbs! Yesterday I bet I had to "pee"- I hate that word it sounds so crude LOL- URINATE about 50 times!
I am doing the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse:
I got EVERYTHING at Aldi's!
I love love love the hot epsom salt/lavender baths!

I did supplement though. I am still drinking my morning coffee. I use fat-free half and half and stevia so I didn't think that is a big deal. I had two hard boiled eggs, and a dark chocolate/almond sweet and salty bar. It's the not chewing food! It's weird! I do feel good though. And I have lost 1.5 lbs! Yesterday I bet I had to "pee"- I hate that word it sounds so crude LOL- URINATE about 50 times!
I am doing the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse:
I got EVERYTHING at Aldi's!
I love love love the hot epsom salt/lavender baths!

Monday, March 12, 2018
-a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.
Here I am again. Detoxing. In more ways than one. A friend mentioned to me that she was going to do a 3 day cleanse. I thought maybe, just maybe, a 3 day cleanse would help me lose the weight I've been carrying around since Christmas. I just cannot lose these pounds. My main problems is late-night snacking and too-big portions. I am almost 48, and I am in perimenopause. My body, my metabolism, is not that of an 18, 28 or even 38 year old. Two years ago I was the healthiest I've ever been. Lately, I don't feel like that. My running isn't what it was. My body feels sluggish, heavy and unbalanced. Therefore, so does my running.
I know that some things are going to change. I also know that I am going to go with the flow of that, while also trying to be the healthiest I can be...and yet not making it an obsession. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives in me. That's why I want to take care of it, for Him.
I am also, again..and again..and again...detoxing from Facebook. I still have Messenger so I can keep in contact with my friends. But lately I don't like ME and my reaction to things on Facebook.
I don't like me right now for several reasons to which I am not going to share here...but I have talked to God about it.
I want to like me again and live rid of unhealthy substances. Things I have allowed in my mind, will and emotions keep me hindered.
Oh Father, all those things that I am allowing to hinder me, encumber me, enslave me- once again. My flesh. Yuck. I hate it. And I want to exchange it for Your Life. Jealousy, resentment, self-pity, lack of genuine love, grudges, criticism, being judgmental...and on and on. And Lord, the situation with that certain person, I FEEL like I've done that person wrong. Nick and others's say I haven't but...then why am I feeling like this? I have my reasons why I didn't do that thing. But still it will hurt that person and I just can't stand that thought. Now, I've let it get so far. Should I tell them? I am afraid it will open a whole bag of hurt when more hurts are shared. I feel as if I am living a lie, being deceitful, of having to keep a secret of my own making. Either way, when that person hears about it, they will be hurt by my actions and the reasons seem so feeble and self-centered. I know You've given me a new heart but I don't feel like I live from it. A kind heart. A generous heart. A loving heart. I have become a noisy gong, a clanging symbol. The Holy Spirit has convinced me of my righteousness from You, and as I choose to not live from that righeousness, You bring me back to it once again: "Starla, you are not being who I created you anew to be." I want to be ME. The real ME. Not fake, Starla. Not anymore. Not again. I know now who I really am. And I know the conflict that arises within me when I am not being the real me. Oh Dear One. Help me to know what to do. I need Your voice to speak to me. Please Lord, detox me.
Oh Father, all those things that I am allowing to hinder me, encumber me, enslave me- once again. My flesh. Yuck. I hate it. And I want to exchange it for Your Life. Jealousy, resentment, self-pity, lack of genuine love, grudges, criticism, being judgmental...and on and on. And Lord, the situation with that certain person, I FEEL like I've done that person wrong. Nick and others's say I haven't but...then why am I feeling like this? I have my reasons why I didn't do that thing. But still it will hurt that person and I just can't stand that thought. Now, I've let it get so far. Should I tell them? I am afraid it will open a whole bag of hurt when more hurts are shared. I feel as if I am living a lie, being deceitful, of having to keep a secret of my own making. Either way, when that person hears about it, they will be hurt by my actions and the reasons seem so feeble and self-centered. I know You've given me a new heart but I don't feel like I live from it. A kind heart. A generous heart. A loving heart. I have become a noisy gong, a clanging symbol. The Holy Spirit has convinced me of my righteousness from You, and as I choose to not live from that righeousness, You bring me back to it once again: "Starla, you are not being who I created you anew to be." I want to be ME. The real ME. Not fake, Starla. Not anymore. Not again. I know now who I really am. And I know the conflict that arises within me when I am not being the real me. Oh Dear One. Help me to know what to do. I need Your voice to speak to me. Please Lord, detox me.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Experiencing the Reality of the Resurrection of Jesus
As we move into Spring there is signs of life and resurrection every where.
The flowers, the trees, the grass, the birds, the fields, the sunrise, the breeze- oh even this creation that bears the image of her Creator.
Spring announces Hope.
I don't know where I would be without Hope. This life would be nothing but trying to live the best I can day after day. I tried that for 29 years and 345 days. It turned out my best was a broken, angry, depressed, manipulative, filthy-mouthed, self-centered mess.
Unfortunately I spend the first 8 years of my life as a believer STILL trying to live the best I could- but this time I was trying to be the best Christian I could be- with the same results. Broken. Angry. Depressed. Manipulative. At times filthy-mouthed. A self-centered mess.
And then the grace and knowledge of Jesus went from my head to heart. A divine explosion happened with in me. I was letting go and getting lost in Jesus. My heart became open wide to receive- all that He wanted to speak into me. My heart went wild. It was Spring in me.
Flowers began to spring up inside of me. I began to experience the love, the nurturing, the nourishing- the revelation of Jesus, Himself.
I've been on this journey for going on 10 years. HE has always been faithful. Me, not so much, no so always- but when that used to happen I would feel like a failure and condemnation would set up in my mind. Now, I know that the accuser and condemner has no hold over me. And I turn back into Jesus and allow Him to hold me close into Him. I run into Him not from Him.
This life I am living. This perpetual Spring in my inner man, my spirit, is experiencing the REALITY of Jesus Christ's resurrrection from the dead. How can this be?
Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin.- Romans 6:3-7
Yes, He took my old sinful inner man to the Cross with Him. When He died, my old sinful inner Starla died also.
Yes, When He rose from the dead, new righteous holy Starla rose with Him- IN HIM.
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.- Colossians 3:3
Spring Eternal for this new creation conformed to the image of God's own Son.
Hope. Life. Resurrection. Healing. Wholeness.
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