A cold!
Last Thursday I woke up with a sore throat. Then my head began to get all stuffy. On Saturday, Johnie began to have the same thing. We took some Dayquil and Nightquil. It's gradually gotten worse and on Monday morning was moving into my chest. Talk about feeling bad. My head felt full of yuckiness and when I cough it's just so painful. My eyes look they are going to float out of my head. I also had a slight fever last night. That's significant since I NEVER have a fever. I went to bed miserable. We are leaving for St. Augustine, Florida this morning and I was wondering how in the world am I going to get packed up?
About 1:30 in the morning I got up and took 3 ibuprofen. I try NOT to take much medicine. But desperate times...you know. Then about 5:30 I couldn't quit coughing. So I got up and made some honey, lemon and rock & rye. Went back to bed. And slept SO well.
I am up and about feeling SO much better! Not 100%. Not even 85%. But better. More normal. So...I am going to get the things done that need to get done for our trip! YAY!
Here's to hoping the sea air will help clear out my head even more!
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