How often do you sit down, open your Bible and ask the Lord, "Would You speak to me? Would You reveal Yourself to me?"
"For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,"- Colossians 1:13
"It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness (of Himself) to dwell in Him (His beloved Son), and through Him (Christ Jesus) to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, things on earth or things in heaven."
Friend, how often to you read the Scriptures and believe what God has spoken through it?
Delivered/rescued is the Greek word rhuomain (4506 Strongs)- and implies removing someone in the midst (presence) of danger or oppression and drawing them unto themself, the rescuer.
Last year my daughter's best friend brought her little boy to our house. He was about a year old and crawling around. For some reason our little dog Macey was threatened by this little human and started after him. But Missy, grabbed Talin up just as Macey jumped at him (and Allison grabbed Macey!)- Talin had a tiny scratch on his face (and I felt terrible!). But...his mother rescued him from danger and pulled him to tightly to her and soothed his fears and tears.
So, the Father rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred (to change from one place to another) us into the kingdom of His Beloved Son. The eternal kingdom of Light, and Life. Friend, if you are a believer you are NO LONGER in the domain of darkness- but the kingdom of Light. Oh if we would just believe that truth. How often are we unbelieving believers?
All the fullness of God dwells within His Son. The Son has reconciled...oh how I LOVE this word, reconciled:
To exchange completey, from one place to another.
What? "He reconciled (exchanged completely, transferred from one place to another) all things to HIMSELF having made PEACE through blood of His cross."
A complete exchange of the inner man took place. From sinner to saint. From unrighteous to righteous. From unholy, unsanctified to holy and sancitified (transformed). Read Romans 6 to get the fullness of this.
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ"- 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Friend, He made PEACE for you, to you, in you, and through you. Peace- bringing you to Himself. NEW. No chaos. No clutter. Renewal. Fresh. Brand new.
Lord, I believe but help my unbelief.
He gave us the Scriptures to reveal Himself to you and me.
He gave us the Scriptures to reveal Himself to you and me.
Through the cross, all the fullness of God who dwells in Jesus delivered you from destruction of the domain of darkness into the safety of the eternal kingdom of Light. NOT ONLY THAT but He exchanged that old sinful inner YOU...put it to death with His death and gave you a new inner you- holy, righteous, blameless- through His resurrection.
The old has gone the new has come.
Do you believe?
Why don't we believe and live as children of Light?
Walk in the newness of life (peace with God and peace in your inner man) that is given to you through His cross so that you too can be a minister of reconcilation.
"and gave us the the ministry of reconciliation"- 2 Corinthians 5:18
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