Tuesday, January 31, 2017

7 years- 7 miles

Sebastian and I ran 7 miles this morning to celebrate 7 years of running (which was actually on the 29th).  It was cold and windy!

Total miles this month is the most milege in a month I've had in quite awhile= 114!!!

Friday, January 27, 2017


As I look back on my life I have come to the KNOW this for sure....God has never, not once, failed me.
I have Him, though. The fact is I can choose (because He created me that way) to sin, to fail Him, to go my way, make my own choices, to walk alone, to not believe Him, to not trust Him, to not abide in Him, to not have true intimacy with Him, to give in to myself- yes, I can choose all those things but I cannot choose the consequences of those choices.
As my friend Scott says, "You can choose to sin but you cannot choose the consequences of sin."
This God that I thought failed me. I lived for years angry with a God I didn't really know because I thought He failed me and ruined my life. I believed the lie that He didn't really care enough about me or think much about me.
Then this God, He, Jesus, began to relentllessly pursue my heart. He came after me with His heart and arms wide open to receive me. Yes, to RECEIVE ME.
He became real to me. He became truth to me. He became to my heart, all that He truly is- and began to untangle all the lies I had believed about Him, and my self...and others- and speak truth to me. Those lies I took to Him, and He put them to death on His cross. He crucified the lies.
This failing God, became to me- Unfailing Love.
"I will NEVER leave you or forsake you."
"I will always intercede for you."
 "I will work all things to your good because you love me."
"I am your Conqueror! I will defend you always."
"I will always protect you and provide for you. You are precious to me and I am proud of you."
"Nothing can separate you from my love. Not one thing."
Unfailing. Unfailing God. Unfailing Love.
I choose Him. I choose to believe. I choose to trust. Although I may not see...and may not always understand...I choose Him. Because as I look back, He has proven Himself unfailing toward me.
Lamentations 3:22 The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


There's only one place to go-

when the world is falling apart when the bills are due and there's no money when sickness knocks at the door when death walks through the door when the kids are walking with the world when the cars keep breaking down when sleep walks out the door when trouble takes residence in your mind when your burdens crush  when grief overwhelms
when life is not what you wanted, or expected

it's not to the doctor to numb the pain, fear, heartache
it's not to a bottle, a pill, a needle
it's not to your best friend
it's not to the tv
it's not to the gym
it's not to the phone
it's not to a game station
it's not to facebook
it's not to a book
it's not to an imaginary world

There's only one place to go-

when all is right with your world
when there's just enough and more to pay the bills
when all your kids are walking with the Lord
when all the cars are drivable
when the electric bill is low
when the air is just the right tempature
when you get that great vacation
when your health is the best it's ever been
when work is a pleasure
when the pantry is full
when you sleep well
it's not to thinking, "Boy, I must be doing something right"
it's not to forgetting that good gifts come from above
it's not to becoming unmindful of the things of God
it's not to become ungrateful to Who gave those times of rest and respite
There's only One place to go...
And that place is a Person...
and that Person:
One Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.- 1 Corinthians 8:6
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Jesus, Matthew 11:28-29
There is NOTHING the nearness of Jesus cannot overcome, cure or heal. - Michael Wells
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.- Colossians 1:15-20

Monday, January 23, 2017


When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now.-
C.S. Lewis

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! 2 Corinthians 3:17

1657 eleuthería: freedom, liberty, especially: a state of freedom from slavery.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


I love meaning of words. You know, we hear words ALL the time but how often do we really know what the meaning of a word is?
Take mercy for example. It's all in the Bible. I've heard the WORD all my life. But I've only truly heard it defined as- "God not giving you what you deserve" oh, wait...maybe it's "God giving you what you don't deserve"...no...wait is that grace? Do you see how confusing that is? And both explanations are so incomplete.
Mercy was the subject this morning in my "Grandmother's Prayers" devotional book...and I thought, "What really is mercy?"
"Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy," Jesus, (Matthew 5:7)
1) compassion or forbearance (refraining from the enforcement of something (as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due) shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power 
2) a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion 
3) compassionate treatment of those in distress
(Merriam Webster)

Greek 1656 eleos: compassion, pity
Hebrew 2617 kataisxyno: lovingkindness

Blessed are those who choose to be compassionate and forbearing when owed, offended or harmed and in turn treat that one who owes, has offended or harmed with lovingkindess. For you, too, will be shown compassion, forbearance and lovingkindness.
The merciful receive exactly what they have been given. Mercy receivers show be mercy givers. The reverse is true as well. Those who offer mercy with an open heart and open hand enjoy the limitless mercy of God.- Kay Swatkowski
"Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?" Matthew 18:33

Friday, January 20, 2017

Anointing and Grace Life Conference

I have been suffering lately in my shoulder, arm, wrist, elbow and fingers in my right hand.  Typing and using a mouse just makes this worse so I am trying to limit my time on the computer.  I know it's the ulnar nerve entrapped.  I have been doing exercises from the internet.  I have NOT been taking medication any pain or inflammation.   My family doctor suggest I go see a neurosurgeon because it was probably the nerve from my spine.  And to be honest, I do NOT want to do that.  

So...here is what I did do. Two years ago I was having intense pain in my right leg.  Sciatic nerve.  What is with the nerves in my right side???  A chiropractor (in 2015) told me it was my job.  I'm always using and moving my right side- cleaning, mopping, vacuuming, all that fun stuff that comes along with cleaning houses.  I decided to take the matter to the Lord.  I actually anointed my leg with oil and prayed over it and had communion- alone.  April 16, 2015 in my monthly planner I wrote, "Prayed for healing- sciatic nerve and communion."  I truly have not had the intense pain since this.  It's actually much much better.  I also do things to help prevent the pain- I take fish oil and cinnamon every day.  I no longer do the stretching that I used to do.  That seems to make things worse for me.  

So, on Tuesday I anointed my right arm with oil and asked God for healing over it.  I also started taking ibuprofen and continuing doing the stretches.  Pray, believe and be proactive is my motto!  It really has been so much better this week.  I am thankful!  

Last night, the 19th, Patricia and I began to co-teach the Grace Life Conference.  It will be 7 weeks.  We met with a great group of young women- 10 in attendance.  My prayer is their eyes and ears opened to the revelation of Who God is and who they are because of Him- to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh.  To live from truth and not lies.  To live in victory- peace and joy!

I am so thankful for this opportunity!

And Nick has a job interview today....it's with a company in Greenville.  We shall see.  He really likes his job now- so...who knows.  Maybe it's of God, and maybe it's not.  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Without Jesus

"I'm holding the bread, taking communion this morning. I voluntarily asked myself, "Could I leave this? Could I do without this God, this faith, this life, all that has come to my soul with Jesus?" I'm asking the horribly scary question I might usually avoid, but now desperately needed to know my answer. Quickly, this came back, "Without Jesus, I can't make sense of anything. Forget heaven for a moment. Nothing today could hold my interest that long, nothing could push back the absurdity and stop the emptiness if he is not real and near. Thirty years ago, there were so many other things I could have devoted myself to and fought valiantly for. I now have a life beyond anything I ever imagined. But without Jesus, none of it would hold me. He is the only meaning giving value to every other relationship, and why I'd dare to get out of bed and face the horrible things I know may come to me.
So I take the bread and then the cup. I not only have nowhere else to go. I cannot face the rest of this day without his love, his life, his intimate knowledge of me, his risking to carry my name and give me his. I'll stay in his love....or I'd perish. Besides, he paid too much. It's not up for grabs."

- John Lynch, On My Worst Day

Monday, January 16, 2017

Questions about God

From an audio book I am listening to....

Spiritually Poor, Empty, Broke

Matthew 5:3 
 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus spoke of a poverty that results in blessing. When we are "poor in spirit," we admit our emptiness before God. We are in no position to accept all the riches He has to offer until we are thoroughly aware of our need.- Kay Swatkowski

Early morning...haven't brushed my hair or changed : ) Sorry for the loud noise at the beginning.  

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rake. Rake. Rake. And rake some more.

Two days.  At least 9 hours of raking.
A start for spring.  That's for sure.
And my body is TIRED.
My hands have blisters (yes, I wore gloves).
And my right arm aches.  But it's good to have this much done!
Thankful for Nick and Johnie's help today.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Good weather and a good run- it's all GOOD

It's already 71 degrees today (11am)- it was beautiful weather for a good run.  Now...off to work in my yard and clean up ALL THOSE LEAVES.  

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Abundant Life!!!!!!!!!!

"I have come that you have life and have it abundantly."- Jesus
That comes from John 10:10.
But for years all I LIVED was the beginning of that verse:

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy;"
I lived, not really knowing any other way, but allowing the enemy of  my soul to steal from me, to kill, and destroy.
I lived in darkness, even after I became a believer. 
 I lived in fears.
I lived in anger.
I lived depressed.
I lived oppressed.

The thief stole the light. 
The thief kept me in inner and outer chaos. 
The thief tried to kill my hope. 
 The thief tried to destroy my mind, my will and my emotions. 
The thief tried every way...before I was a believer and after I was- for me to live in darkness, to live oppressed and depressed, to live full of fear, to be overwhelmed with anger. 
 To steal, kill and destroy not only me...but my family.

But then...the rest of the verse Jesus spoke into my heart:
"Starla, I have come that YOU have life- not death (separation)- and have it abundantly, (beyond what is anticipated, exceeding expectation; "more abundant," going past the expected limit, "more than enough").
And Starla, in this world you WILL have tribulations (this particular word in the Greek means internal pressure, compression) but be of good courage, I HAVE OVERCOME the world.
Starla, you don't have to live anymore in darkness. You don't have to live anymore in fear of the thief. You don't have live depressed or oppressed anymore. You don't have to. Because I have come that you have Life, I AM LIFE and have ME abundantly- more than you ever anticipated.
Starla, lay aside every weight and burden- yes, that may be some really good things in your life or it may not be but lay them aside. And lay aside the easily entangling sin- WITH ENDURANCE, for I am your Endurance- run the race I have set before you with your eyes (ALL OF YOU) fixed on Me.
You really can live this life in freedom, for it for freedom that I have set you free- as long as you keep your eyes fixed on Me, you won't lose hope and grow weary."
All I had to do was receive. Yield. Surrender. Come to the end of my self and to Jesus. Brokenness.
And He gave me life. Abundant life. Not life that ebbs and flows. But a life of peace. Life of joy. 
 Even in tribulations- internal pressure. 
 Even in distresses- external pressure.

And in this Life, this Abundant Life, He invites you.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Mature

I highly recommend the 60 day devotional, A Grandmother's Prayer by Kay Swatkowski. Even if you aren't a grandparent this devotional is great for anyone- for your children or if you have children in your life somehow.
Today's devotional is about emotionally healthy children.
"Every child most wants the love of his family."
"Feeling parental (and grandparental) love and acceptance is critical to every child's emotional and spiritual development. Kids flourish in the unconditional love of the entire family."
"Being secure in their attachment to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa enables children to cope with the frustrations and disappointments of life. Unconditional love establishes an unshakable, safe platform from which they may take flights and enjoy the adventures of life. Most important, children who experience the unwavering affection and acceptance of family can easily move forward in a trusting and loving relationship with God."
"Peter Scazzero was in the throes of midlife and experiencing wrenching relational and emotional pain before he grasped a vital truth, a life-changing conclusion:
"Emotional health and spiritual maturity are inseparable." It is true. Children (and adults) who are struggling emotionally may love the Lord, and want to serve Him, but they are shaky ground spiritually as they try to comprehend the concept of God's unconditional love." (A true concept of Who God is and who we are because of Him.)
"Wouldn't it be better to establish the foundation for emotional and spiritual health early in life? Someone once said, "It is easier to build up a child with our words than it is to repair an adult.""
"For children and adolescents, emotional health and spiritual maturity are rooted in unconditional love and acceptance of parents and grandparents. All children struggle emotionally as they move through various developmental stages. But we can help by showing unconditional love."
"Pastor Andy Stanley says that when children are deprived of unconditional love they become exasperated (Ephesians 6:4). I have seen this exasperation. Sometimes it looks like anger. Some times it looks like rebellion. Frequently, it looks like depression or underachievement. Some go to extreme measures to cope with grief and loss."
Unconditional love is what our children and grandchildren want and need most.
And friends, it doesn't matter how old our children or grandchildren are. My children are in their 20's and they need to know I love them and accept them. I respect them and they respect me. Kids of any age are deeply hurt when a parent belittles (exasperates) them. The more you wound with your words and actions- the more that person wants to avoid and flee.
I am so thankful God brought me to a great place of emotional health- almost 9 years ago. I choose today to walk in victory, in joy, in peace, in love, in life- and my husband and children have greatly benefited from an emotionally healthy and spiritually mature mother.
Grace upon grace...and it flows from Him to me, through me to Nick, Allison, Ben, Cody, Johnie and Roman...and one day to the young women my boys marry...and more and more grandchildren. It's all grace.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

And while I'm on a roll.......

Goodness-this new video making contraption might be the end of my "writing" a post...LOL

First Video!

So, this is my first video recording on this laptop!  I'm pretty excited that I figured out how to do it all by myself...LOL!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Lid holder : ) Happy Day!

I really like things to be convienent.  I really DO NOT like have to scramble through all the lids to find the one I need for a particular pot.  As a matter of fact I number the lid and pot so they are easier to find- LOL...I know I know.  But I do like organization.  Nick made this for me to keep the lids.  I am so so so glad.  And no, it's not crooked...again it's the photographer.  Thankful for my Nick who can do anything.  

Monday, January 2, 2017

Miles logged for 2016

1224.  That's my logged in miles for 2016.  l walked/hiked some of those miles.  Mainly in fellowship with dear friends.  I biked some of those miles when it was too cold and I didn't want to go out.  But the biggest majority was running.  I think walking/hiking is very good- uses muscles not used running or biking.  The biking really builds up my thigh muscles.  But running is my heart.

My goal for 2017 is more miles (would love 1250) but at a better pace and longer distances.  I want to "want to" run more and better this year.

I don't really "race".  I don't run to get medals or t-shirts- or just to say I ran so many races.  I don't run to race.  I run to run.  And I can't make myself give that much money just to say I race- to run 3,5,6 miles when I can do that at home for free.  That's just crazy to me.

I don't spend a lot of money on running.  I don't wear fancy running clothes.  I do like a good GPS watch.  I bought mine on ebay about 4 years ago for about $120.  It won't log online anymore- hasn't in a couple of years but I don't care.  I just want my pace, distance and time.

I do like good shoes.  (I also wear plantar fasciitis sleeves on my feet every run.  Got them on amazon.) Back to the shoes.  I only have one good pair at a time.  They are just too expensive to have more than one pair.  My kids bought me a new pair of Altra's for Christmas - that's $100.  They go in together and get them.  I am so blessed.  I try to make them last 5-6 months but wore out soles are not good for hips, legs, feet and knees.

My goal each month is to get 100 miles a month.  I've done this for 4 or 5 years now.  Maybe this year I can get in more.  But I want to run because I want to, love to and enjoy the benefits of it.

On January 29th I celebrate 7 years of running.  My lifelong goal is to be a lifelong runner.  That happens by going out each day and putting one foot in front of the other.

There by the grace of God, go I.

Sebastian and Half Anniversary

On Saturday I took Sebastian and Macey to get there shots and heartworm medicine.  On Sunday Sebe could barely walk,was lethargic and had lumps coming up on him  I emailed the mobile vet who promptly emailed me back.  He said this sometimes happens to older dogs, to give him benadryl and aspirin.  On Monday he woke up much better and ready for a run.  I am so glad  I sure love that dog.

Nick and I on our way to the Olive Garden to celebrate our half anniversary  28.5 years.  Its all good!

Transferred and Reconciled

How often do you sit down, open your Bible and ask the Lord, "Would You speak to me? Would You reveal Yourself to me?"
"For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,"- Colossians 1:13
"It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness (of Himself) to dwell in Him (His beloved Son), and through Him (Christ Jesus) to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, things on earth or things in heaven."
Friend, how often to you read the Scriptures and believe what God has spoken through it?
Delivered/rescued is the Greek word rhuomain (4506 Strongs)- and implies removing someone in the midst (presence) of danger or oppression and drawing them unto themself, the rescuer.
Last year my daughter's best friend brought her little boy to our house. He was about a year old and crawling around. For some reason our little dog Macey was threatened by this little human and started after him. But Missy, grabbed Talin up just as Macey jumped at him (and Allison grabbed Macey!)- Talin had a tiny scratch on his face (and I felt terrible!). But...his mother rescued him from danger and pulled him to tightly to her and soothed his fears and tears.
So, the Father rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred (to change from one place to another) us into the kingdom of His Beloved Son. The eternal kingdom of Light, and Life. Friend, if you are a believer you are NO LONGER in the domain of darkness- but the kingdom of Light. Oh if we would just believe that truth. How often are we unbelieving believers?
All the fullness of God dwells within His Son. The Son has reconciled...oh how I LOVE this word, reconciled:
To exchange completey, from one place to another.
What? "He reconciled (exchanged completely, transferred from one place to another) all things to HIMSELF having made PEACE through blood of His cross."
A complete exchange of the inner man took place. From sinner to saint. From unrighteous to righteous. From unholy, unsanctified to holy and sancitified (transformed). Read Romans 6 to get the fullness of this.
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ"- 2 Corinthians 5:17-18
Friend, He made PEACE for you, to you, in you, and through you. Peace- bringing you to Himself. NEW. No chaos. No clutter. Renewal. Fresh. Brand new.
Lord, I believe but help my unbelief.
He gave us the Scriptures to reveal Himself to you and me.
Through the cross, all the fullness of God who dwells in Jesus delivered you from destruction of the domain of darkness into the safety of the eternal kingdom of Light. NOT ONLY THAT but He exchanged that old sinful inner YOU...put it to death with His death and gave you a new inner you- holy, righteous, blameless- through His resurrection.
The old has gone the new has come.
Do you believe?
Why don't we believe and live as children of Light?
Walk in the newness of life (peace with God and peace in your inner man) that is given to you through His cross so that you too can be a minister of reconcilation.
"and gave us the the ministry of reconciliation"- 2 Corinthians 5:18