Monday, October 24, 2016


October 24, 2015
One year ago today Nick and I found out we were going to be grandparents! 
October 24, 2014
The great secret of success that has been concealed from the majority of Christians far too long is this: Christian growth is simply accepting what we have always had from the beginning, from the first day we gave our life to Christ! And this simple life- the victorious life- will be experienced only through the abiding life.
Abundant life is not something we work for, but rather is something given to be worked from. My acceptance is not based on what I do but rather what I am. Abundant life does not require that I imitate Jesus but rather that I participate in His life; it does not require that I work to believe, but that I work BECAUSE I believe. Be assured of this: If the abundant Christian life requires great determination, self-will, intellect, talent, and ability, then we are all too weak, blind, and stupid to ever arrive. - Michael Wells, Sidetracked in the Wilderness
Life= Jesus

October 24, 2011
Not the labor of my hands, can fulfill Thy law's demands. Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross, I cling.- from the great hymn, Rock of Ages, wrote in 1763.
When (God) wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose confidence is not in themselves, but in Him." ~Quote by H.A. Ironside (via Beliefchangers)

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