Monday, May 30, 2016

Still....4 years from His victory!

For many years I lived on an emotional roller coaster. Ups and downs. Even when I became a believer I still couldn't climb off that roller coaster. But a few years ago, God began to speak into me the truth that what He accomplished on the cross was for me! IT IS FINISHED. Jesus Christ has WON the victory and now I can live in freedom and not defeat! I don't have to live on that emotional roller coaster anymore. He already as overcame sin, death, temptation, the world and satan. I have nothing to fear! I don't have to let my emotions rule me (cause even though emotions are real they are not always true). I can give over to them or I can allow Jesus to be Who He is IN ME! For He abides in me and I in Him. Now, I can live from the Truth, not feelings. Now I can Love, have Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control because that is WHO He is!
I have to admit it, I get tired of complaining. Of my own and of others. I hear and see such negativity. And honestly, it just saddens my soul. I think we just get in a habit of complaining and it's where we find our identity. Let me give you an example: when I was in my twenties when stress would get to me I would get a headache. I would constantly say, "I have a headache." Then one day, I realized I DIDN'T really have a headache, I just was always saying I did. See what I'm saying? My FEELINGS of having a headache were REAL but they were not always true. Emotionally I felt like I was having a headache but the truth was, I was not- it was just a crutch. It was a way of getting attention or dealing with stress or....the list could be many reasons why I was saying that- escapism? Either way- I began to realize that I needed to stop saying things that were not true. And you know what? My attitude began to get much better. It's amazing what happens when we just simply change our thinking!
Let God speak into you the Truth. Are you living from your feelings or the Truth (John 14:6)? In my head and heart the two above paragraphs fit together perfectly but to some they may be completely different subjects. Read them carefully. For SO long I was living from what I thought was truth but was actually feelings. Then when I came into contact with the REAL TRUTH, He began to change me from the inside out and strip away the lies I was living in and from.
Have you ever asked God to reveal to you the Truth- to strip away whatever lies you may be believing so you, too, can live a life of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control?

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