Birthday to the most special and dearest woman in my life. Connie
Beasley, I thank God for you! God took this broken, motherless woman
and gave me- you. A mother. One that loves me, prays for/with me, speaks
truth into me, laughs with me, worships with me, LOVES my husband and
children, bakes the best coca cola cakes and loves British shows- as I
Not only have you been a wonderful mother and mentor- momtor- but you have been the heart, hands and feet of Jesus to me. My intimacy with Christ is as vibrant and sustaining as it is because I follow your lead.
Connie, you have filled a a brokenness in me. Your deep and abiding love for me filled and sealed all the holes, cracks and valleys inside of me. I needed the true love of a mother. When God wove me together in my Mom's womb- He knew I would only have her a short time. He knew I would ache and long for the love and guidance of a mother. And at just the right time, in just the right place- (12 years ago!) He brought us together.
And Connie- I wouldn't have it any other way. I would go through all the years of sadness, longing and sorrow over and over just to have you in this life with me.
I love you, Happy 70th!

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