FALL 2015

"There's only one way left to go..."
Aaaahhh!!!, Here we are again! Which way do I go? Do I strain and strive to try and figure it out? Do I try to make something happen in my own strength? Do I manipulate my circumstances to try and make them work out in my favor? I've tried, believe me I have tried, but that path will not work for me anymore. God will not let it work for me. I have tried to reason with Him on "this", but He will not reason back. There is only one path left for me, for all of us really. It is the path of trusting God. This is the only path where we get to be who we truly are and we get to experience God as He truly is. I am not going to lie, this path can be scary at times and hard, but it is the only path to experiencing real life. Jesus said...
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." - Matthew 7:13
I love trail running. The trails have become a personal "sanctuary" of sorts. It is the one place where I can clear my mind and that I often hear God's voice. After the heavy rain falls we got just a few weeks back I was "itching to hit the trails. It had only been a few days since the rain stopped. I expected it to be pretty muddy, but that didn't faze me. I was up for the adventure. As I reached the bottom of the main trail I took a hard right and after about ten yards I discovered that it wasn't just muddy, but the trails were completely flooded. I couldn't go any further, so I turned back. This time I ran to the left and it was the same scene. The trails were completely flooded and there was no where to run. I reasoned, "There's only one way left to go." I would have to turn and go back up the same trail I first came down. In that moment I had this deep sense that God was saying something personal to me. It was as if He was inviting me back up the trail to be with Him. Interestingly enough, and I wouldn't think about this until later, the name of that trail is "Center Line." This was God's invitation back to the "center."
Over the past year I have been on a personal quest, if you will, for clarity. There are several variables that play into this. To make a long story short, I know what I am passionate about and the truths that God has called me to share. I have been getting opportunities to walk in my calling through discipling indidviduals and some teaching as well. At the same time there is this "haunting" or "wooing" inside of me that leads me to believe there is more. As John Eldredge writes, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard all that God has in store for his lovers, which does not mean, "we have no clue so don't even try to imagine," but rather, you cannot outdream God." In other words, I do have a clue, I am just not certain what it is suppose to look like going forward.
Allow me to be honest for a moment, my seeking clarity as of late has become a bit unhealthy. Perhaps I momentarily lost sight of the bigger picture allowing myself to get wrapped up in my own smaller drama. The majority of my time with God shifted from just "enjoying Him" to attempting to figure out my future. I have been more occupied with the "things of God" rather than "God Himself." Each time I would go there I found myself in a cycle of frustration, discouragement, and even feelings of depression. I know this is not what God desires for me. So, I began praying something along these lines, "God, there are so many voices coming at me, my voice, the flesh, others, the world, the enemy, but I need to hear Your voice alone. The question is not what I want to do, or what others would like to see me do, but God what do you want to do through me?" Recently, in a state of frustration and confusion, I cried out to God once more; "God, I don't know what to do! You are going to have to help me! What do You want me to do?" He answered and I heard Him loud and clear. His voice was sure and kind at the same time. With these words an inner Amen and a sense of peace rose up in me..., "Stop trying to figure it out, let it go, and simply come be with Me."
"Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God." - Psalm 46:10 (Amplified)
In a matter of moments he began clearly laying out His plan...
"I want you to take a time of Sabbatical and simply be with Me for a little while. Have a conversation with your wife. Talk with a couple of people that you trust for confirmation. Ask your brother about working with him during this season. Communicate your heart with Rob, your ministry partner. Seek out some counseling for yourself."
Every step that I took was confirmed with a clear "Yes, this is Me that you heard." Each person that I have shared my heart with including my ministry partner, Rob Nelson has met me with affirmation, grace, and full support. God has opened the door for me to work as my little brothers helper doing heating and air work to provide for my family. I also plan and have already made arrangements to go to counseling while I am on Sabbatical. I have counseled many, but have never officially sat in the other chair. Mark Maulding, President of Grace Life International who counsels pastors and ministry leaders has agreed to meet with me to help me work through some of my own emotional "stuff" as well as to be a guide as I seek clarity for the future.
I believe that God is leading me into this time of Sabbatical to gain His perspective and to recover my heart going forward. During this season there are three specific things I believe He is desiring to do in me. One, He is calling me into a time of focussed intimacy with Him. Secondly, He wants to reveal and heal some "stuff" in me. Lastly, He will give me clarity for the future without any "self-effort" on my part. This quote from the book Sacred Romance by John Eldredge says it best...
"At this place on our journey, we face a wide and deep chasm that refuses us passage through self-effort. And it is God's intention to use this place to eradicate the final heart walls and obstacles that separate us from him."
I also believe that He is desiring for me to know and experience Him in two specific ways in this season. One, as "Adonai", my Lord and Master. This is about relationship and His total posssession of me and my total submission to Him. Secondly, as "Jehovah Rapha", the Lord that heals Spirit, soul, and body (The Names of the Lord, Grace Life International).
I want to be clear in saying, I am not quitting the ministry, resigning, or giving up. I have no desire or intentions of quitting. If anything, I am more excited than I have been in a while to discover what God will do in and through me in this next season.
For those of you reading this who love, encourage, support, and pray for me and my family I want you to know how grateful I am for you. Many never get the freedom to take this journey with our God. Because of you I am able to follow Him where I sense He is leading me. I am able to be the unique expression of Christ's life that He created me to be. You mean more to us than you may ever know.
As I take this step of faith in obedience I ask you to continue to pray for me and my family. Pray that I would know and experience God more intimately, that I would continue to find personal healing, and that I would discover how Jesus wants to live in and through me going forward.
I led a men's retreat for Arrowwood Baptist Church at Camp McCall in September and had a blast. God is still working through this event. I recently started meeting with one of the young men that attended and I plan to continue meeting with him even during my time of Sabbatical. Our ministry is also hosting an Advanced Discipleship Training working along with Grace Life International and Abundant Grace International. This past Monday night I had the opportunity to teach the "Intimacy with God" lecture, one of my favorite topics.
If time permits I plan to continue attending the Monday night lectures for my own personal healing and growth. I will also lead my own men's retreat November 13-14 with a group of men I have counseled or have a personal relationship with. The theme for this weekend is, "Inside Out" and will answer the question, "does my sin get resolved through my "self-effort", or by trusting the One who lives in me now." Brandon Moore, a friend and attendee of the men's retreat is helping me to develop a curriculum for the retreat and so far it is coming together wonderfully. Rick Brown, a long time family friend is hosting us at his lake house at Lake Greenwood. It is an absolutely beautiful setting and the perfect place for men to get away, fellowship, fish, and hear from God. I am excited to see what God will do in each of our lives.
If you have any questions for me please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, or email. I would be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. If time allows I would even be willing to sit down with you for lunch or a cup of coffee. Also, let us know how we can continue to pray for and stand with you.
I am giving myself anywhere between three to six months to allow God to work in me and to give me a clear direction going forward. I have already verbally spoken to a few of my financial supporters and they are choosing to continue to give during this season. You are of course under no obligation. Please do what you sense Jesus wants to do through you in this regard. I will be doing minimal "ministry" activities. Most of my time will be working, focussing on intimacy with God, getting counsel, and seeking His direction. Over the course of this season I plan to keep you updated as to where I am and what I sense God is teaching and showing me.
As a friend recently reminded me, "Wherever you "go" and whatever you "do" you take yourself with you. Whether I am doing "ministry" activity or manual labor I am Christ in Will Gunter. I believe He will continue to live in me and bare His fruit through during this time of Sabbatical. After all life is ministry. Who knows, He may even do more abundantly than I ask or imagine! He is kind of like that. He is Good!!!
His Grace Is Enough,
Will Gunter,
GracePointe Ministries is a faith-based donor supported 501c3 non-profit organization. If you are not currently a supporter and would like to become one or would like to make a donation you can do so by making your checks payable to GracePointe Ministries, Inc for Will Gunter and send to mailing address 225 Basswood Drive Roebuck, SC 29376