This morning...another beautiful clear morning in South Carolina, I think about a Sunday morning 21 years ago today.
I was laying on the living room floor in pain- actually in labor. Nick and I had already spent a few hours in the hospital and they sent us home saying I was not in labor. But I knew better. As I laid on the floor, handling the contractions the best I could- a thought came to my mind- "Call Grandma!"
Although I was not a believer- not a real true believer in Jesus as Christ- at the time- I knew that my Grandma had something I didn't have. Sure, I had went to church with my grandparents when I was little and was actually baptized when I was 18, right after I got married- but it mean't nothing to me. I had no idea at all at WHO Jesus really was. I knew what sin was but I had no revelation of the cross or forgiveness. It was years AFTER I became a believer that I began to understand Grace! But, that's another story : )
So, I was laying on the floor- crying and trying to breathe- I called my Grandma Cleary and that sweet sweet woman, who had also lost her mother when she was young- prayed for me and her great grandson.
So how could this beautiful baby boy who was named after his father, his paternal grandfather and his maternal great grandfather (also a tender, sweet man- and a Bible teacher!) - born on a Sunday during a thunderstorm, prayed for by his great grandmother that loved Jesus with all that she was- not grow up to love Jesus?
Nicholas John Barry Ellison- (victory of the people, God is gracious, fair-headed)- Johnie Ellison- you bring joy and pleasure to your mother's heart. Whenever I hear you teach the truth of God my heart sings- because God is the great Redeemer. I see God's grace when I look at you three kids, four including Ben- because I know where all would be- without Jesus.
You've always had a tender heart toward God. Making a profession of faith when you were 5 and baptized with your family, believing and praying to receive Christ when your were 8 or 9 in our bathroom- and then the beautiful work of God's grace and coming to the "end of your self" when you were 17 and Christ became your life. I can't wait to see where He leads and you follow.
I join the apostle John, the beloved- loved by Jesus:
"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth".
3 John 1:4
"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth".
3 John 1:4

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