So I love running...very much! But since I ran the marathon a year I haven't really wanted to run A LOT. I've managed to get my miles in each month but still dealing with sciatic in my right leg (feels like my whole right side) and just a busy schedule (3 studies here at my house in the last year) I didn't have the heart to REALLY run. But I am feeling ready to at least train for a couple of half marathons this year. I don't want to over do it- because well- running is not my life. I like being and staying healthy through diet and exercise. It also helps me to stay emotionally healthy.
But my life is Jesus. He is my Life. He is Everything to me. Yes, being as physically healthy as I can be is important to me because I am His temple. He lives in me. Without Him, I am and have nothing. My hearts desire is not just my intimacy with Him but others know Him and have intimacy with Him. This is why I am here . This is why He created me- died for me and gave me His life. To live His life in and through me. And one way He does that is- through running.
I love spring! Spring is an awakening NOT just to the earth but IN ME! I love seeing everything open up and come alive- declaring the glory of the Lord!


And white- this Bradford pear is a brilliant white against the blue sky. It stands out! Almost takes your breath way- and doesn't what Christ accomplished through His death and resurrection take our breath away? Righteousness! Now, because of Who He is and what He has done for US- we have His Life and His Righteousness! We are made right with the Father. Through and through! What a priceless gift!
2 Corinthians 5:21
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
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