Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cultivating Intimacy with Jesus


:  to prepare or prepare and use for the raising of crops; also:  to loosen or break up the soil about (growing plants)
a :  to foster the growth of <cultivate vegetables>
b :  culture 2a
c :  to improve by labor, care, or study :  refine <cultivatethe mind>
:  furtherencourage <cultivate the arts>
:  to seek the society of :  make friends with

     When Nick and I started dating, I loved getting to know him.  My whole life revolved around getting to know Nick Ellison.  By the time we got married I thought I knew everything about him!  Yet, here were are 25+ years and I'm still getting to know him.  I grow more and more in love and intimacy with him, every day.  Do we argue?  Do we disagree?  Do I get on his nerves from time to time?  YES!!!!  But I know one thing, Nick Ellison loves me fully and completely and unconditionally.  Nobody has ever loved me like he does.  I am confident of this.  Do you have any idea what that does to a woman to KNOW she is loved?  WOW!
     But this intimacy we have, it takes work on both our part.  I love the word "cultivate".  To prepare, to prepare and use for the raising of, to loosen or break up soil, to foster growth, to improve by labor, care or study, to further, encourage, to make friends with.  It took time and years and love and hate and ups and downs and fears and failure and joy and sorrow.  It took giving and taking.  It took laughter and tears.  It took "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you."  It still does.  It took getting into bed together, holding through the night and getting up together.  Day after day.  Night after night.  Year after year.  
     This is called- intimacy.  Being real and bare.  Stripped of all facade.  With the one you love the most and expecting the same in return.  
     In 2000 Someone came into my life that desired intimacy with me- with the deepest and most real part of me.  He began a process of me getting to know Him- and Him getting to know me, transforming me to be more like Him.  
     I'm a journaler.  Is that even a word?  I journal.  I have for years.  I just HAVE to get my thoughts out before they burst out.  I'm not cultured about it, I don't have all the grammar down, and I don't care.  I write like I talk.  It's just me.  But I love going back and reading my thoughts and prayers.  I love seeing how Jesus- became everything to me and cultivated this beautiful intimacy with me.  
     It takes time and years and love and hate and ups and downs and fears and failures and joy and sorrow.  It takes giving and taking.  It takes laughter and tears.  It takes me saying, "I'm sorry" and He saying, "I forgive you." It takes Him being the Center of my life, my marriage, my children, my home, my family, my emotions, my hopes, my dreams, my wants, my needs, my will, my mind, my consciousness, my desires, my EVERYTHING.  
     Year after year.  Day after day.  Night after night.  Moment by Moment.  Filling my life with Him.  Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.

     And you know what I KNOW because of this intimacy I have with Him?  God loves me.  Fully and completely and unconditionally.  He loves me with a love that is indescribable and true.  I am confident of this.  Do you have any idea what it means to this child of God to KNOW that her Father loves her with an everlasting love? WOW!
     Take the time to cultivate this intimacy with Him.  This is the real meaning and purpose of life.  To know Him, intimately.  


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