You know, we may live this whole life with no earthly rewards of any kind. For those of us that know and love God, who live our lives trusting and abiding in Him, we may not have that big nice house, that new car, that wonderful vacation, those fine clothes, those delicious foods. (Although some abiding Christians do, but for the most part, most don't have these things.)
We may live from day to day, week to week...just barely getting by.
Why do I post this? I look around me and I think, you know, if I work harder...I can get those things. If I set my mind to it, I could go back to college and get a better job and make more money. I COULD have all those things. But do I really want them? What would I be sacrificing for them?
My time.
The couple of hours I spend alone in the morning add up to a whole lot more than 2 weeks vacation...any where.
The time, nesting in my house. Straightening this, cleaning that, moving this. Dawdling and piddling. Cooking supper, doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning windows. I could pay someone else to do that for my family. I do that for other people now.
Time with my church family, with believers. Intermingling our lives together. Encouraging, building up, strengthening each other. Loving one another, holding one another.
Time in ministry. Sharing Jesus with young men in jail. This is my heart. This is Jesus living in and through me. Sharing His love, compassion, grace and mercy. He is my Joy and I want everyone else to know Joy.
Time just being a mother to my kids. Time just being in the house with them, riding to church with them, talking to them, serving them...just being HERE. I didn't have that and that is the most important thing to me.
Time to be Nick's wife. To share our life together. All of our life together. Day in and day out. It's so comforting to know he is right here. With me every step of the way. To know he loves me SO very much. To know that he puts me first and I him. To love this same man since I was 15 years old. To watch him grow from a 17 year old boy to one that is almost 41 year old man. We have lived and shared LIFE and LOVE together.
Would I sacrifice any of these precious things for anything this world has to offer? No, I won't.
This is my life. MINE to live. MINE blessed by God. Any other life is not the path and plan directed by God. Nor do I put down those that have chosen a different path and plan different than mine...because that just may be the one God has them on.
A time will come when I will stand before my Jesus at His Judgment Seat. I WILL be rewarded for the deeds done in this life. What is the thing Christ has called us to? To abide in Him. He is my Vine and I am His branch. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. My life is His to will and please. I REALLY would rather have Jesus than silver or gold. I don't WANT to live this life if He is not my main focus, if I in Him and He in me, is not the goal of my life. He is my number one. Period. And all other things will flow from Him.
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