Sunday, February 26, 2017

Youth Ministry

Today our son-in-love will be ordained. Now, he's been a licensed pastor for several years, a youth pastor for about 5+, and I know you don't have to be "ordained" to BE a pastor- but we are very pleased to be able to be a part of this day.
Why? Well, not just because Ben is a fantastic, loving, generous and kind young man- but because he is a fantastic, loving, generous and kind pastor.
I am so thankful for youth ministry. I am so thankful not only my kids were very involved in the youth group when they were young- but they still are. I am SO thankful Nick and I were very involved in youth ministry also. We really began to grow in our faith and our intimacy with Jesus- because our kid's youth pastor and because of youth ministry.
Nick and I neither one really attended a church when we were teenagers, as a matter of fact- I had never heard the words "youth ministry" until after I was saved at the age of 30. So when I say the kids were in the youth group, well- Nick and I were also. We got to experience along with our teenagers all they were learning and growing in.
We participated Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights. Instead of family vacations we went where the youth group went- mission trips, ministry trips, camps- you name it. We wanted to be apart of it with our kids.
The very very best thing we EVER did was to put our kids spiritual life before anything else. It was the best foundation we knew how to give them. Our hope and prayer for our kids is NOTHING in this life comes before their intimate, abiding, fellowship and oneness with Jesus. Nothing.
There is one thing Nick and I know for sure- for life has taught us this- you WILL have trials, tribulations and circumstances. But if you don't have Jesus as your Center- as your Life- as your Anchor, as your Foundation- then you will fall apart, grow weary and lose heart. You need Him, to hold you together, to be your Strength, to be your Source of all things.
Parents, please please please remember this- your children's formative years of growing in their dependency in Jesus are but a few- the years they are in your home, seeing your intimate relationship with Jesus, seeing if your words and actions ring true- are short, valuable years.
What and Who are you speaking into your children? What priorities are they learning from you? When they are in their 20's, 30's and beyond- and trials, tribulations and circumstances come into their life- what will they depend on to be their strength and source?
Is what you are teaching your children today as priorities in their life- going to able to get them through when hard times hit?
What gets you through when hard times hit? Or do you?
Who, or what is your priority, priorities? Because they see...and they know. They see us say one thing and do another. And they live by our example.
If you have a child in youth group- what kind of example are you for them? Because "youth group" doesn't start at the church or with the youth pastor- it STARTS at home and it ENDS at home.
And yes, although our kids had a great youth pastor that we still love- there are some things I wish we had done differently IN OUR HOME and WITH OUR FAMILY. It's not too late for you, if you have young children.
I have loved seeing Allison and Ben fill in the gaps, already with a 7 month old baby, that Nick and I left wide open. Things I wish we had done. I pray each day God will fill in the "gaps"- even today with our kids and grandchildren.

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