Wednesday, February 1, 2017


You know, there are some people that I greatly admire and aspire to be like.
Who? Well, it's the givers. I want to be like them.
You know the ones- 
they always have a smile to give, 
always have a word of encouragement, 
the ones that stop and hold the door for you,
the one that sees someone in need and helps, 
the one that opens their wallet and checkbook, 
the one that gives their time freely.

You see them at church all the time:
opening doors to welcome,
in the nursery loving on the babies,
in awana with the children,
with teenagers coming along side them spiritually, emotionally and physically,
in the food pantry each week serving those in need,
taking a dinner to a family,
giving to help a family in need at church or elsewhere,
showing up to take to the doctor, 
straighten their house, 
mow their yard,
help with a repair, 
buying angel tree gifts for children whose parents are in prison,
filling a shoe box for a child who has never received a Christmas gift,
making a telephone call or sending a note/card
visiting in the hospital,
preparing a lesson to share Jesus,
giving a gift card.

You know those people- the one's that give continuously and faithfully. They see a need- and they help. They share. They give their money, their time, their love, their encouragement- they give them self. They don't do it for accolades or praise. They just do it because they see a need.
I want to be a giver. Not just a receiver. Not a hoarder.
A giver.
In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”- Acts 20:35

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