Friday, January 27, 2017


As I look back on my life I have come to the KNOW this for sure....God has never, not once, failed me.
I have Him, though. The fact is I can choose (because He created me that way) to sin, to fail Him, to go my way, make my own choices, to walk alone, to not believe Him, to not trust Him, to not abide in Him, to not have true intimacy with Him, to give in to myself- yes, I can choose all those things but I cannot choose the consequences of those choices.
As my friend Scott says, "You can choose to sin but you cannot choose the consequences of sin."
This God that I thought failed me. I lived for years angry with a God I didn't really know because I thought He failed me and ruined my life. I believed the lie that He didn't really care enough about me or think much about me.
Then this God, He, Jesus, began to relentllessly pursue my heart. He came after me with His heart and arms wide open to receive me. Yes, to RECEIVE ME.
He became real to me. He became truth to me. He became to my heart, all that He truly is- and began to untangle all the lies I had believed about Him, and my self...and others- and speak truth to me. Those lies I took to Him, and He put them to death on His cross. He crucified the lies.
This failing God, became to me- Unfailing Love.
"I will NEVER leave you or forsake you."
"I will always intercede for you."
 "I will work all things to your good because you love me."
"I am your Conqueror! I will defend you always."
"I will always protect you and provide for you. You are precious to me and I am proud of you."
"Nothing can separate you from my love. Not one thing."
Unfailing. Unfailing God. Unfailing Love.
I choose Him. I choose to believe. I choose to trust. Although I may not see...and may not always understand...I choose Him. Because as I look back, He has proven Himself unfailing toward me.
Lamentations 3:22 The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail.

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