Monday, December 5, 2016


Boy, oh boy, this fall and marching into winter has been so so busy. 

In the fall my work load increases because of cleaning the hunt clubs. 

One of my houses has been having her kitchen remodeled, and it's football season- so I am at their house a lot more.  Getting her house ready for Thanksgiving- and now Christmas.  Taking care of the dogs while they go to football games.  

It seems like days just flow by fast and furious then before you know it, it's dark and I'm tired.

I've been trying to get out to the She Shed and straighten it for over a week but I've not had the time and it's turned off cold and I just don't like taking the time for it to warm up.

I had a lot of company for Thanksgiving which was great but it's hard to plan for that- and work and get everyone else ready for Thanksgiving.  Then, afterwards, I have to clean my house and get the other places cleaned. 

Nick spent four Saturdays in a row under the house putting insulation under the floors. 

We've been trying to cut down dead leland cypress trees, they are dying from some disease.  We've also been trying to replace the lelands with another barrier ours and our neighbors property- something high.  We bought hedges to plant back in October but the ground was so hard for lack of rain that we couldn't plant them until Saturday.  Saturday was spent cutting down trees, hauling them to the burn pile then planting hedges.  Crazy.  

Now I have tons and tons and tons of leaves to rake up.  I plan on that Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Tuesday evening the kids will be here for putting up the Christmas tree and dinner.  A family tradition.  

Christmas shopping.  Ug.  Allison helped me get the angel tree gifts for two children, then gifts for 3 children who are being raised by their grandmother in which our SS class is helping her with Christmas.  We also got Santa gifts for Kentucky.  Allison will wrap all those too.  

Karen is getting our little nieces and nephews gifts, so that really helps me.  I just give her money.  : )

I do not enjoy Christmas shopping.  I think I'd love Christmas if it wasn't for that!  But part of me just wants to get it over with and onto January.  All the time and money just seems excess to me.  But it's gotta be done, I guess.  

My mind is already moving onto January anyway.  Planning a women's study and more individual counselling.  That's what excites me!

Busyness makes me feel less- connected to Jesus.  Note that I said 'feels' because I KNOW I'm still just as connected as I ever was- it's just I don't experience the closeness, the fellowship, the communion, the intimacy.  

I really feel empty and lost then.  

Jesus, fold me deep into Your arms.  You, my dearest never-leaving Companion.  I love You.  

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