Monday, November 7, 2016

A foreboding fear....

What will she bring to our country?

With Bill Clinton and Obama as Presidents we have more rights and freedoms taken away. And this woman was one of the driving forces. 

When Nick and I began our family health insurance was very affordable. If you work, then the company offers healthcare insurance at a good price. This was before companies and the government got so much control of the doctors and hospitals. Which were actually more affordable also. Now, the company Nick works for- it's $193 a week. A two day stay at the hospital (including doctors and surgery) was $80000. In the US Nick's bloodclot meds is $350 a month- but we get it from Turkey and it's $50 a month. Thank you Hillary and Obama for the affordable healthcare act. I guess it's affordable for those that don't work because it isn't affordable for those of us that do. 

I really would love to see a President that is proud of be an America and loves the citizens. 

Many of the companies have left (especially in smaller counties and communities) to go to other countries so they can pay the employee's less. Thank you Bill Clinton for NAFTA!

But I think, the most harmful- and deceptive things I have seen in these years is more and more putting the American people under the thumb of the government. Making them dependent on the government. Deceiving their thinking that the government should supply all their needs and wants. The government should provide housing, income, education, healthcare, food and even cellphones. Make the people dependent. This has resulted in more people depending on the government than actually working to provide this for themselves. We have generations of people living like this. 

What happens to a country when more people are dependent on the government providing than more people are working?

There is now a lack of a proud hard work ethic in America. People don’t want to work. They don’t want to work hard. They don’t want to do a good job when they do have a job. They expect to just show up and get paid- to do half a job. 

When I am tired of vacuuming or mopping or dishes or laundry or making beds or cleaning bathrooms- I think of my Mom before she met my Dad. She had 4 children in the home, a husband that mostly absent much less provide- and instead of getting any form of government assistance she took in laundry, she ironed for people. She said she wouldn’t take hand-outs. Man, what happened to that way of thinking???? My Mom’s strong-will, hard work-ethic got me through many many many hours of cleaning other people’s houses. 

What happened?

And what about the breakdown of the family? If you are married you pay more taxes. So you get no benefits from the government for being married. Now, our government has redefined what has been since the beginning of man. Marriage-one man and one woman. Now, anything goes. How does this affect the children? And don’t tell me it doesn’t because it does. A father has a specific role in a child’s life. A mother has a specific role in a child’s life. When this stability is not there- there is unbalance. When a child does not have the daily love, guidance, nurturing and discipline from both Mom and Dad then there is a lacking. And I know this is true, I was raised by a single Dad. Although my sister’s, aunt and Grandma stepped in and helped the best they could, they were not my Mom. I desperately needed her. That empty need fueled me to be the Mom I needed and wanted. The same goes for a child raised by a grandparent or grandparents. How different a child’s life would be if Mom and Dad were there together daily from breakfast to tucking in at night. 

I am personally tired of the destruction of America by our government by slowly bringing the people to more and more dependency on the government while also teaching them to hate eachother and our country. Fueling racial unharmony. Redefining marriage, the foundation of families. Putting more and more financial burdens on those that work. Enslaving us by more and more “laws”. 

I don’t even know what’s going to happen if she gets in office. All I know is these last 8 years have burdened us so much more. Yep, Obama brought change alright.

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