Friday, October 21, 2016

And here we are....5 years later!

Today Allison Nichelle Ellison and I are going shopping for her wedding dress. A beautiful white dress that my daughter has waited years to wear. I am so proud of her, of the woman that she is, of her patience and determination to become the woman God created and purposed her to be. Allison, I know you've been through some tough times through the years. I know you've had to let go of some seemingly good things for what is now to you, the GREATER. You've spent four years in a college you didn't want to go to but have NO COLLEGE DEBT. As a matter of fact, they give YOU money back! You've always held a job, bought your own car, paid your own expenses. You have held firmly to the truth of who you are and God's best plans for you. I've always said, you are a bolder person than I could ever be. The easy road is not always the best road. Sometimes the best road is the hardest and most challenging because it is there that you learn from WHO and from WHERE your Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, Courage, Strength, Patience and Kindness come from- Jesus. Psalm 37:7 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;

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