What does "being filled with the Spirit"/"living from Christ who lives in me" LOOK LIKE?
How is God manifest (revealed and expressed) in us and through us?
I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.- 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Most of all- intimacy with God, praying without ceasing, should be the foundation of our moments and our decisions.
Let all bitterness, and rage, and anger, and clamor, and slander, be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, as also in Christ God forgave you.- Ephesians 4
To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. - 1 Peter 3:8-9
But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels. The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:23-26
1 Timothy 1:5
But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (Hmmm....I'd love to hear a sermon on "conscience". I don't think I've ever heard a sermon on having a good, clean and clear conscience.)
Be diligent. Be patient. Work hard. Steady, certain steps- one foot after the other. Always remember that you can't remake the choices you make today so make decisions that positively effect your future.
Be diligent. Be patient. Work hard. Steady, certain steps- one foot after the other. Always remember that you can't remake the choices you make today so make decisions that positively effect your future.
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