Sunday, August 28, 2016

Celebrating all of Jesus

Have you ever thought about how much emphasis is put on Jesus's birth? I mean, it's like months we "celebrate" with the same music, same rituals, the same decorations. We almost actually worship the "time of year", the "season", more than we do the King born. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled how He came to born a babe- 100% human and 100% God- "Emmanuel" God with us.
But what about His death, His burial and His resurrection. We "celebrate" His victory on the cross and His defeat over satan one weekend a year. When the truth is- this is what our major celebration should be. We (believers) didn't participate in His birth-but Oh, we did His death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6)! This is what we should be celebrating- and living out- continuously!
And guess what! There's more! How often in our gatherings to worship- do we celebrate His ascension? I mean, the Scriptures speak of the Ascension quite often- and we also participated in that also! (Colossians 3) And it's not even mentioned when we gather together to fellowship and worship the One True God.
And what about Pentecost? Why don't we celebrate when the Father sent the Holy Spirit? Christ Jesus lives in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit- we have everything we need for life and godliness. Why, it's not even mentioned in our gatherings to worship.
Let's celebrate the WHOLE life of this man.
Let's celebrate the whole truth, eternal life, of this God, who became a man and dwelt among us. This God who died for the forgiveness of our sins, who rose the third day, who took us within Him in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension, who became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God. Who exchanged our old sinful inner man for a new, righteous, holy and blameless man in whom He abides in. Who ascended to the right hand of God and where He is, I am also. Who sent the Spirit of truth to teach, counsel and guide us- from the inside out.
Now....that's something to celebrate.
Happy Resurrection! Happy Ascension! Happy Pentecost!

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