Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What a plan! Are you a partaker or forsaker?

In God's book are written all the days ordained for each and every person ever born. God, in His sovereignty and foreknowledge, set the number of our days even before we were born.(Psalm 139:16)

God knew, because He doesn't dwell in time (His creation), whether or not we would abuse our body or nourish our body. And He set our days according to that.

Every disease, every illness, every addiction, everything that depletes and destroys our body and our soul (our mind, will and emotions)- comes from that choice Adam and Eve made that day- in the garden. Their sin of unbelief, disobedience, choosing to be their own god- had results that were absolutely devastating- on mankind and all of God's creation which groans and suffers (Romans 8:22).

God knew. He knew even before "in the beginning". 
God had a plan.
And His original plan was NOT thwarted by sin or by evil.  
He perfectly incorporated His glorious means of redemption into His original plan.
He did not plan the sin of Adam and Eve.
Oh, His purpose and plan for man is much greater than redemption- the forgiveness of sins.
But in His sovereignty and foreknowledge, He knew.
And He planned.
Before the foundation of the world, He planned.

Friend, Jesus is the Plan. 
He has always been the Plan.
Jesus is the only way to "set things right".
Not just to save man from sin for God's calling is much greater!
God in His grace and mercy:
He had to come to be born a babe- and yet not conceived by an earthly father.
He had to live- and grow in wisdom and stature.
He had to come into His time.
He had to share His life with at least 12 others...which grew into a multitude of male and female disciples- which followed Him.
He had to be adored then-
He had to be ignored then-
He had to be hated, abused and tortured..
Then He bled.
When He bled His blood- pure spotless, clean, disease-free, illness-free, addiction-free, holy, healing Blood was shed for the forgiveness of sin.
Then He died.
When He died He took with Him- IN HIM- HE became- SIN.
So that He could put sin to death.
To separate YOU from SIN.
And then He AROSE.
He DID NOT stay in the grave.
For if He did- we would still be in our sin.
And when He arose, those that believe in Him- arise to a new life also. A life IN HIM and HE IN ME and WE are in GOD.
A new, completely new, brand spanking new- man.
The old sinful inner man put to DEATH, through His death!
A new holy, righteous, blameless inner man risen to new life, through His resurrection!
YOU, oh believer, child of God- are NOT who you used to be!
I have been crucified with Christ.
Jesus Christ lives in me!
The life I now live in this physical body- that will be planted in the ground someday to await it's resurrection- I live by the FAITH of the Son of God who loves me-
And has given His life for me.
And now the Father has many sons.  The Son has a body.  The Holy Spirit has a temple.
God's ultimate original plan and purpose.  
This physical life is temporary.
Your body will die some day.
Are you prepared for what is after this life?
Are you IN Christ or still in your sin?
Your days are set for you.
And you do not know the number of them.
God, in His wisdom, sovereignty and foreknowledge- has a plan for you. 
You can choose Him.  
But it's your choice.
He wants you to choose Him but He will not force you.

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