Thursday, May 26, 2016

Young love, strong love....

It's hard to believe but just 23 short years ago we were loading up our little blue Geo and heading to South Carolina from Kentucky.

I never thought I'd leave my home, my Dad, my siblings and move so far away.

I never thought once we got here that we would stay. : )

We were 23 and 24- with two little children and my 12 year old niece that lived with us at the time. I think about how naive we were. LOL

Two days later we looked a ramshackle house- it was all we could afford- and we've lived in this house ever since (with lots of renovations). Our little love shack where we raised 3 children and lived and laughed and cried and yelled and celebrated.

But God....

Although I was not a believer at the time of our move as I look back I see God's hand, intention and purpose all over our lives. His pursuing us- and His working to begin and complete His work in us.

So in honor of our 23 years of living in our lovely South Carolina and especially our little love shack in Pauline, SC....a song recorded in 1988 (year of our marriage) and came out in February 1989 just a few months after our marriage...and has become an anthem of our marriage:

Thank you, my love- my Nick Ellison- for just always loving me. Always. Without fail. Thank you for providing. For taking care of us. You are a wonderful husband. You are a dear, loving father. And you're gonna be a GREAT Pops!

"Young love, strong love, true love
It's a new love
They're gonna make it through the hard times
Walk those lines
Yeah, these ties will bind
Young love"

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