Friday, May 13, 2016

Hungry. Chained. Lost

I read this this morning:

-Our present spiritual climate:  a great deal of religious activity but little spiritual growth.  

Boy, I see that on facebook a lot.  People reposting about God but when you meet them in person there is no evidence of God in their life.  But it's not just on facebook.  What about in every day life?  We go to church and we serve in some capacity yet- we live in fear or mistrust.  We worry about things.  We wallow in our self- wants and desires- and become disillusioned when "God"doesn't make our life what we want it to be.  Or, "we" storm the gates of hell and dare satan.  Or, "we" scream at God to do what we tell Him to do!  BLESS ME! 

-Believers may not often realize it, but even as believers we are either centered in man or centered in God.  There is no alternative.  Either God is the center of our universe and we have become rightly adjusted to Him or we have made ourselves the center and are attempting to make all else orbit around us and for us.  

People, believers and unbelievers, are hungry.  They feel empty and that life, their life, is meaningless.  

-One well-know diagnostician writes: "About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of our lives.  This can well be defined as the central neurosis of our times."  (This was from the 1960's.  Here we are almost 60 years later and I would say that well-known diagnostician would say that it's more like 90% of his cases.  Because we are a people now totally centered in self- positive self or negative self, it's still self.) 

We are hungry.  
We cannot be filled.  
We are chained.
We are lost.
We are in chaos.

We.  We.  We.  Me.  Me.  Me.

What happens when it all fails?  Those you trust in? The religious activity?  The neurosis?  Self?  

How many believers do you know that choose to fix their eyes on Jesus so they don't grow weary and lose heart?  Desire to live in deep intimacy with Him?  Allow Him to be their life?  Who has set their mind on things above and not on this earth?  To trust in His working all things to their good because they love Him?  Who choose to abide even when it seems to be the hardest thing?  To live in peace and not fear?  To love rather than belittle?  Who has joy flowing in and though them?  Who is patient?  Who is kind?  Who is gentle?  Who is faithful?  Who has self-control because they are trusting Jesus to live in them and through them?  How many believers do you know that not only say Jesus is Enough but live from Him because He is More than Enough?  To know that God is their Center- not their spouse, their children, their parents, their jobs, their church, their sports, their self?  

Saying is one thing.  Doing is one thing.  Being is saying and doing because it's coming from Another and not self or anything else.  

Are you God-conscious or are you self-conscious?

Are you God-centered or are you self-centered?

Are you God-centered or are you man-conscious?

Are you God-centered or are you man-centered?

The only One that can truly feed and nourish us is God.  He must be our all in all.  
Our Provider and our Sustainer.   

In Him, we have all we need for life and godliness.  

To those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:  Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.- 2 Peter 1:1-3

Everything,all, we need is God. 


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