Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Before....before God began....

Can you believe it's May 11th already? Nick and I have spent all the year so far working in our yard, our house and the buildings- cleaning, repairing, organizing, painting, putting in french drains and gutters, Cody's bathroom, sowing grass, cutting trees, opening the pool- work work work- so that we can spend the summer just enjoying our first grandchild, Roman, who will arrive in less than two months.
Now that most of the work is done (except the chicken coop!) and it's mainly yard mowing from here on out- I am going to start rereading Deverne Fromke's Ultimate Intention again. My goal is to finish it before Roman gets here!
This is the starting question:
"What was God's intention before He began any activity on earth or in the heavens? Let's go back in time- back into God's heart before He began creating anything, back before redemption was even necessary. Let us go back to the "blueprint" stage of His planning."
Have YOU ever wondered what was God's original intention?
That's my prayer for our dear Roman- that he grows up with a real, true understanding and concept of Who God is- and who God created him to be.

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