Sunday, April 24, 2016

18 years of NO SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once upon a time.... 18 years ago TODAY!
I couldn't take a deep breath without coughing.
I couldn't run for miles and miles.
My hands smelled.
My hair smelled.
My breath, clothes, car, house....wherever I went, smelled.
I was skinny as a rail, bony and frail.
My whole life revolved around whether or not I had plenty of those packs available.
I spent about $100-150 a month...just to poison my body, inside and out.
Here we are 18 years later and one of the best decisions I ever made!
I made the hard, yet life-changing decision to quit smoking. I had smoked since I was 13 and my sister left a pack of cigarettes at our house. I quit when I was 28- with a 2+ pack a day habit.
My boys do not remember me smoking, Allison does some. I'm glad my kids don't really remember their mom that way.
I chose long-term health and living a long healthy life with my family over short-term...short-term what? There are NO benefits to smoking. None. It's not worth it.
Today, choose long term life and health over your own momentary wants. You will so be glad you did! If I can do it, anyone can. You just have to make up your mind.

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