Sunday, January 3, 2016


How do you cope with life? What coping mechanisms have you developed to cope with the stress, pressures, trials, tribulations, circumstances, occurrences, situations or struggles of life (past, present or future)?

"A coping mechanisms is quite simply the world's term for an idol. An idol is anything, other than Christ, which one runs to under pressure. Whenever we are hurt, we must find some way of coping with that hurt. The thing we run to when injured is our idol."

What is the one thing to which you run to when under pressure to get your mind off problems in the family that at the same time offers pleasure, acceptance and a sedative for the pain experienced?

"The enemy is not ignorant of our personal history, and he uses it to develop a temptation that is perfectly suited to us, luring with something he knows will attract us."

"However, there is one major problem with.... idols."

"God will not allow any idol to meet a Christian's needs."

Christians who are using idols with which to cope are easy to recognize, for they manifest such symptoms as apprehensions, uncertainty, dismay, distress and depression. None of these will accompany the man of faith."

- Sidetracked in the Wilderness by Michael Wells (chapter, Unbelieving Believers)

I've decided to make Thursday my Facebook, see you all on Thursday. : )

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