Thursday, January 28, 2016

Growing up and out!

When you are in the middle of raising your children you sometimes forget that time is passing. Your child is growing up- and out.

BE their parent now. That's your role and responsibility. We are growing them up into adults. Lord willing- they will adults a lot longer than they were children.

BE their parent in every phase. Enjoy them more. I feel like I didn't enjoy my children enough when they were young. (As a matter of fact it was when our kids entered youth group we really started enjoying them. Nick and I loved the youth group just as much as the kids!) It's hard being a parent. It's REALLY hard when you have no family around to support you, to guide you, to give you a helping hand occasionally. Living away from family you don't have the luxury of grandparents helping out-or aunts and uncles- or anyone for that matter. You learn to be a family and do everything together. To help each other. That's been our blessing of living far from family- we became a very close- knit little family of our own.

One thing I asked the Lord was to allow me to see my children fall in love. I want to see them be in love with the one they will marry. I have seen this with Allison and Ben (and now we get to see them extend and grow that love with Roman). Hopefully one day with the boys- but I don't want to rush them. I want them to live the life God has for them this part of their life.

It's hard for one to leave the "nest" not just on you but on the one leaving. You may not think so- you may feel as if part of your life is over- and it is- but being a mother and friend to your child is not over. It's a new beginning. A new season in your relationship. A good and beautiful one.

A new relationship with new boundaries. And new freedoms.

So life doesn't end when your children grow up and out- THAT'S THE GOAL. That's what you raised them to do.

Laugh, hold them close, pray for them, pray with them, kiss them- even if they don't want you to.

: ) "Wherever you are- be all there."- Jim Eliot 
Click on link below to watch beautiful video-

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