Monday, November 16, 2015

This week....

I am super excited to about this coming week.  While home in Kentucky my Dad found a letter my grandfather, Johnie Cleary, began writing to a preacher.   I do not know if this was a copy and he sent another letter or if he just didn't send the letter.  It is 12 pages and in his own hand.  There is also a 7 page written testimony of his, which he entitled, "Some High Points In My Experience with God".  I do not know when he wrote the testimony but I know he wrote the letter on January 13, 1963. 

At the time of writing the letter Grandpa was 68 years old.  It is hard to read in some areas but I hope to get more familiar with his handwriting and able to correctly copy it.  He had some questions for the preacher.  It's funny- here he was 68 and some things in the Bible he was struggling with.  I have to say, I am his granddaughter- for it is some of the things I have struggled with.  But I do want to say, I have found my answers.  I don't know if Grandpa ever did.

What he was "seeking, searching" to understand is nothing to do with his salvation.  It actually had to do with "movements" at that particular time.  I will go more into this this week.

But here are a few snippets of wise and beautiful words that fill my heart with joy!

One of my favorite verses- My Grandpa Cleary's paraphrase and handwriting.
2 Corinthians 5:21
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.  (NASB)

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