Saturday, September 19, 2015


45 hasn't been easy.  I don't know what happened but over the last few months before and since I turned 45 my body has- rebelled against itself.

My main problem was fatigue.  Then came a monthly headache only on the right side of my head.  My eyes would burn.  My throat hurt.  My mind felt "foggy".  And most curious of all- I spent the whole summer with my right arm itching.  I called it my "invisible bug bites".  I seriously thought I was going a little nuts.

So I thought all of this was one of two things 1) that tick bite I had in May or 2) my iron was low again.  Turns out it was neither one.

After talking with some friends and doing my own research I finally decided it was my- HORMONES!!!  UGGGG!!!!!  After MORE talking with friends and doing my own research I found what seems to work for my body.

I take the Estroblend at night before bed.  I take the One A Day, Ginko Biloba and Ginseng each morning.  I have been taking this blend since August 16th and by the next few days have felt great.  No more fatigue, headaches, burning, hurting, fogginess and NO MORE ITCHING!

Sidenote:  To save a few dollars I ran upon the brand name of Estroblend which is Estrovan, at the Discount Store in Ky.  It was only a $1 a box!  So I thought, "I'll give it a try."  It was outdated by a year.  DO NOT DO THIS.  LESSON LEARNED.  THE FATIGUE AND HEADACHES RETURNED AFTER A COUPLE OF DAYS.

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