Thursday, July 2, 2015

Proverbs 5:18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth.

Today Nick and I have been married 27 sounds like a long time but in reality- it has went by so fast. Last Sunday in Sunday School, Ann Johnson said that she and Paul's 57th anniversary was the day before- you could hear the- "missing him"- in her voice. They had been married 30 years when Nick and I married! Then another couple said it was their 12th anniversary- really, still just starting out.
Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people. It takes two people giving. Not two people taking- or even one for that matter. Two people giving and yielding to one another. It is NOT easy. You have to give up your rights- for the sake of another. Both, giving up rights- daily, continually.
I guess the two things that have made our marriage what it is today is:
1) Jesus- the center of our marriage. We are two very different people- and our individual relationship and intimacy with Christ is different. And still yet- He is the Oneness and Center, the Savior, of our marriage.
2) Moving away from our family. The hardest thing we ever did what probably what saved our marriage. We became depend on each other and not our family. I've said that for a long time. It was just too easy for me to run from Nick when problems arose. Living away from our family- there was nowhere to go but stick around!
Nick...well, he is easy to love. Nick is Nick- and he's OK with being himself which is a good thing because one of us in this couple needed to be comfortable with who they are (thank God, for God has changed my heart too- I am now comfortable in my own skin). He loves me with a love that is undoubtable. I am so thankful for his steadfast, enduring love. Nick is 110% supportive of me. Nick gives me to freedom to BE. To simply BE me. What more could a woman ask for? Nick, you are true treasure- I am so so so thankful to be yours! Thank you for rejoicing in me.
Proverbs 5:18
Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth.

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