Tuesday, June 2, 2015

We are His instruments here on this earth- Matt Crosland

 Romans 11:33
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!

I have a friend who is an interim pastor at a church about 15 minutes from my house. So from time to time I drive to down to hear him preach.

In January I was on my way to the church- having a few things on my mind. One was a missionary family. They are in Papau New Guinea. They were raising money for their oldest daughter to go to school. I said to the Lord, "Lord, I'd really like to give the Crosland's a $100. They could use it for school or whatever they choose." But I knew I just didn't have a $100 to give them. But, oh, how I wanted to!

After the service I was gathering my things together and gentleman walked up to me. And this is what he said, "I felt like God said to give this to you."

He gave me an envelope. I just stared at him and said, "Thank you."

I just KNEW what was in that envelope. And I also knew- I was a "middle man".
Yep, a $100 bill was in that envelope.
When I emailed Matt (the missionary) this is what he wrote back, "I love how God is always 2 steps ahead of us. But He never leaves us out of His plans or His work. We are His instruments here on earth."
Here's the thing- I didn't give the Crosland's the money. Like I said, I was simply a middleman. But God allowed me to share in the giving!!! He didn't have to work like He did. But He did. He allowed me to see the blessing.
I wrote the gentleman that gave the $100 a note via the church. In the note I told him about how God had used him. I gave him information about the Crosland's. Recently I shared with him how their son had fell from a tree and received a lot of injuries. Now, I am not a middleman. Now, he can get Matt's updates himself. Now, he can share in being a part of their support family.
About a month later my pastor friend preached a message on giving (time, finances, prayer, resources) to world outreach/missions, this was a few of his points from 3 John:
- when we give to world outreach we participate in the ministry of others
- when we give to world outreach we please God
- when we give to world outreach you provide a financial base for the gospel
-when we give to world outreach we produce joy in our missionaries (There is JOY in supporting missionaries).
I would say all 4 points above pertain to the gentleman that gave the $100.
But this is what I want you to know- the world is not JUST overseas. The world is right outside your and my front door.
World outreach isn't just about money but telling others about Christ- discipleship.
Give- yourself. Simply be available to even be a middleman sometimes. : )

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